Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My 100th Post

I started blogging on June 26th, 2009. I have averaged slightly more than 6 posts per week, so have hit the 100 milestone in 108 days. I really did not expect to a stay with daily blogs this long. I started blogging because I had a few things I wanted to commit to writing - sort of a therapeutic treatment for stress. I have a lot of stress at work, and found that blogging does nothing for that. It does help me reduce stress caused by non-working life - mainly my dissatisfaction with the direction of the American government. I have taken out my aggression on President Obama, those who elected him, Liberals, Democrats and several other nuisances. It makes me feel better and I thank you for putting up with it.

At first, Terri was not supportive of my blogging. I think she feared that I would be sharing all of her personal secrets and short comings (by the way, she has none). Over time, she saw that my posts are more innocuous than harmful. Now she just tells me that I got the dates wrong, which is probably true more often than not.

About a month after I began blogging, I decided to allow Google to place ads on my blog. I harbored no illusions that it would become profitable, and that has become very true. So far my blog has earned me 48 cents. That makes the math pretty easy. Each post is worth about a half cent. If I post 400 times a day, I could make a living at this.

So now I ask myself "Self, do you want to continue?". I think so, but I may start to miss a few days here and there. I find the difficulty in blogging is not the writing. I can crank a couple of posts out over my lunch hour without a problem. The difficulty is finding things that interest me enough to write about. My favorite subjects are the personal and family topics, but my life is not that exciting so that well runs dry pretty fast.

My next favorite topic is to point out the double standards our mainstream media (M&M's) apply to public servants, depending on their ideology. That is a rich source because you can find a good example every day. I suspect that my readers, all 5 of you, bore rapidly when I get on those rants.

My favorite posts so far are:

  • Intervention - I thought the premise was clever. Unfortunately a nephew-in-law annoyingly pointed out the factual inaccuracies of the piece which was a buzz-kill. Still I had fun writing it.
  • The Geology of my Neighborhood - I just had fun collecting the rocks and researching their origins. It probably bored those who read the post, but still was one of my favorites.
  • Don't Use the Customer's Bathroom - By far my most humorous post. I wish I had another 50 stories like that.
Maybe if I cut the volume, I can improve the quality? Nah.

I like to see the comments (very rare lately), so keep them coming.


  1. CONGRATS on your 100th post. Pretty crazy that you got there in so few days... Mine took me from July 08 - Jan 09 to reach 100 posts.

    Keep up the good work. I'm like you, comments matter. They're fun to read and nice to hear that your post at least brought about some sort of comment, even if it's only a "interesting". Also reminds you that people are reading. :)

    Congrats. Oh, ps. I shared your post about "leadership lessons" with quite a few coworkers, everyone was very responsive and thanked me for sharing.

  2. I am sorry for not comment as much. School and soccer have taken away my time, so while I still read them in a hurry, sometimes I don't always comment.

    I wouldn't say those you've listed are some of my favorites though. :)

    I would like to see a post about your thoughts on the "fightin' Jayhawks though.

    -one of the five

  3. The one about the new productivity metric of inverse time in the bathroom at work was a favorite of mine. Unfortunately, I see my own rating in that category moving in the wrong direction. Guess I need a little less stress and more enjoyment in my work. Maybe reading "Simple Thoughts" mid-day is the right prescription. :-)

  4. I enjoy reading your blogs. I just don't comment. Keep up the good stories and good info. Love u. Cindy

  5. Okay, I have heard from 4 of my 5 readers. I am waiting for the fifth.

  6. Yeah, if I can't get mom to comment on mine, she sure isn't going to comment regularly on yours. ha ha. :)

  7. So..who's your fifth? Mom, Al or me? I read your blog. Life's just too fast to comment sometimes. Keep it up!

    Oh, and my favorite blog was "I'm thinking of a person". :-)

  8. I'm the fifth definately... i am a very faithful reader. i just read it on my phone which doesn't let me comment.. so i don't comment until i get around to it.

    I thought "dont use the customers bathrooms" was probably the funniest. "intervention" and "bathroom campers" were also very funny and creative. I also enjoy reading your rants on the government... "geology" was kinda boring... sorry... glad you had fun tho. I didn't understand "automation". "bbq" and "how i met my wife" would finish off my top five favorites.

    THERE! I gave you a nice, long comment. be happy!
