Wednesday, October 28, 2009


My brother in law, Steve, and I recently completed a large home remodel project for Jimmy and Allison. The remodel consists of finishing off an area of their basement into a master bedroom with full bathroom. We also are putting in a large closet. Allison told me a a couple weeks ago that she had some ideas for the "design of her closet".

A man would never design a closet. We expect very little from our closet and can be content with whatever space our mate allows us to occupy. Jimmy is learning that as he was recently informed that his closet is a closet area that was reconfigured to become the entrance to the new bedroom.

Women are different. Some women will select the home they wish to buy based on the master bedroom closet. This is why builders now finish off closets in ways that was never done in the past. Today, a closet does not meet the woman's expectation unless it is as large as a small bedroom, has lighting and possibly a window. It must also have plenty of shelving, clothes rods, and a shoe rack. A well designed master bedroom closet will make women weep with joy. Some will even buy furniture to put in the closet. I suppose the furniture is to sit on as they decide what to wear next.

In our last home, Terri and I were lucky. We had 2 closets in the master bedroom. She had the big one and I had the little one. There was no discussion on the assignment. The women always gets the big closet.

Currently we have a modern and large closet. My stuff occupies approximately 25% of the total space. I feel lucky. A 25% share of a modern closet is more than any man should expect. It is also more than I probably need. I once lived out of a cardboard box next to my bed, which I found to be less complex.


  1. ha! Good post.
    I WISH we had a true master closet. Our is less than functional, and VERY small. :)

  2. Sounds like a project for Mr. McGoo. Put it on the list!

  3. Well... I still gave Jimmy a big closet that will fit all of his clothes AND I gave him the big dresser. The only thing we share now is the sock drawer. My closet now fits all of my clothes, shoes, jewelry, and other random stuff I put on the selves like books, purses and a file folder. Plus my closet is organized and JImmy just put his clothes on the rack in no particular order. that's why girls get the big closet. boys would just make it messy.

  4. I would say you have 35% of the closet.

  5. aTerri,

    Who bought him those clothes to put in the 35% of the closet?
