Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kamakazi Senators

I never thought I would see the day that our elected representatives would vote for a bill that most Americans don't want, knowing they will pay for it with their job during the next election cycle. Most Democrats and a few Republican representatives seem willing to be voted out of office in order to pass a national health care bill. Their thought is that if not now, never, and we will never be this close again.

I vote for never. If I lose that vote, then vote them all out of office. I understand that we do not live in a democracy. Instead we live in a representative republic where leaders are elected to do the will of the people who elected them. Somehow that has morphed into doing the will of the minority.

Nobody has the right to health care. Everyone should have the right to buy health insurance. If someone cannot afford health insurance, they should not be turned away from a hospital. They can and will get treatment. Everyone that is insured picks up the tab for the uninsured. Our current system is ubiquitous, but not cost effective. So can someone explain why national health care under the bill just voted out of the finance committee will increase my premiums by 15%-40%?

One piece of common sense says that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now I believe that our health care system can be improved, but folks, it ain't broke! Why does half the world come to the US for treatment? Why do all the cutting edge treatments and drug discoveries come from the US? There is one easy answer to that question: It is because we have a competitive, capitalistic system that rewards success and punishes failure. That brings out the entrepreneurial spirit that creates innovation and personal wealth.

Obama's plan will lead to bureaucratic red tape, fearful treatment, and general apathy in the medical profession. If you want to make the US a third world country, stifle competitiveness in the marketplace. Entrepreneurs will take their capital elsewhere where they can be rewarded.

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