Monday, October 5, 2009

The Most Dangerous Man in America?

I would nominate Democratic Senator Charles Schumer of New York. First, he is a liberal. That should put him in the upper half of any most dangerous list.

Second, he is crooked. Wall Street lobbyist has donated almost $11 million to individual Senators since the beginning of the year, and more than 15 percent of it has gone to Schumer. His $1.65 million take from the financial services industry is nearly twice that of any other senator — and more than five times what the industry gave to any single Republican senator.

Third, he makes me livid when debating the $800 million stimulus, he said "And let me say this to all of the chattering class that so much focuses on those little, tiny, yes, porky amendments, the American people really don't care". Hey, I care!

And finally, he is completely out of touch on how the nation feels toward government run health care. Last week he said "With some work and some compromise, we can get the 60 votes on the floor of the Senate that will make our system better by providing for a strong, fair and viable public option". He went on to say that a majority of the population wants a public option government health care system. That is a completely unfounded statement.

I am perplexed the voters of New York continue to re-elect Schumer. Bringing home the pork clouds their collective judgement and they feel compelled to return him to office, even when his actions are detrimental to the country. I have heard is said, "I hate everyone elses Senator, mine is okay". That attitude returns these clowns to Congress term after term. I once heard an idea I am liking more and more. The idea is that in every election you are given 2 votes. The first vote is identical to your vote today. You cast it for your representative in Congress. The second is a negative vote. You cast that vote to remove anyone in the House or Senate that you feel is not acting in the best interest of the country. The Senator or Representative that receives the most negative votes is removed from office.

A plan like this would ensure that our elected representatives must weigh the pork they bring home to their constituents against what is good for all Americans. These people need to be accountable to the country as they represent their districts.

Who would your most dangerous person nomination go to?

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