Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just Answer the Flippin' Question!

Weekend news shows, such as Meet the Press, were once programs that interested citizens would watch to get answers on the positions of their leadership and direction of our country. That time has long since passed. Now, it these shows are simply and exercise by our representatives to say what they want to say, or are authorized to say. Moderators ask questions, and the guest use the question to communicate whatever they want to say. It is rare that an asked question ever gets answered.

There are many reasons why news show guests don't answer the question. For those poor souls who give truthful answers, their words immediately become the news reported and dissected by the M&M press for at least 24 hours, and the answeree spends the next month explaining or clarifying their answer. A good example would be former vice-president Dick Cheney. He is naturally a straight-shooting kind of guy. I also suspect that he did not need to clear his comments with anyone before issuing them - especially true since his retirement. For the past several years, anytime Cheney would be interviewed, his comments would be the news for a few days. All because he answered the questions that were asked.

Ninety-nine percent of news show guest prepare for the questions they think they will be asked by rehearsing a set of talking points they want to communicate to the TV audience. It doesn't matter what the moderator asks, their answers will not diverge from the talking points. Presidential debates are very similar. I sometimes think that if asked if their hair was brown, interviewee would answer that regardless of what their hair color is, they like black shoes. It really doesn't matter if they are Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. THEY ALL DO IT!

So why do the shows? Good question. I haven't seen a single honest answer on Meet the Press since General Powell said he would support Barrack Obama for President. That was over a year ago. I think I will quit wasting my time and stop watching the Sunday Morning News shows. It is a waste of time.

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