Friday, July 10, 2009

Don't use the customer's bathroom

I don't know why I thought of it, but I recalled a funny story yesterday and decided to share it. The story relates to guys and peeing, and how we are less inhibited and better equipped than women to pee when and where we want. My grandson is a great example. He feels it is just as appropriate to pee off the deck into their backyard as it is to use a restroom.

So the story starts in a former job. I worked for a cable TV company as a technician. Finding suitable restrooms was always a challenge for guys like us. There is not always a McDonald's or Quik Trip around the corner, so we would find ingenious ways to find relief without attracting attention. It is amazing how a guy can pee in plain sight, 25 foot up a telephone pole, or on a busy street while searching for a tool in the bins of a work truck, without anyone knowing.

A co-worker of mine had a different experience. He found himself pulling cable TV lines through the attic of a customer's home when the effects of the supersized Coke from lunch hit. The cable company we worked for discouraged the practice of using customer's bathrooms. I can understand this for some body functions that might leave a telltale odor for minutes or hours. But peeing? It seems like that shouldn't unreasonably offend the homeowner.

What should he do? He would lose 30 minutes of the work day if he were to climb down, get in his truck, find a public restroom, return, and get back up to the job. Asking to use the customer's bathroom was considered bad practice, so my co-worker looked for other possible solutions. And there in the corner of the attic was his solution. He spotted an empty soda bottle. What a elegant solution. Pee in the bottle, carefully place it back where he found it, and get back to work. He would not lose any time, and not need to offend the customer by using their bathroom. Over time the urine would evaporate and nobody would be the wiser.

Attics can be dangerous places as my co-worker found out. Just as he found relief, his foot slipped off the ceiling joist he was standing on, and down through the sheetrock he fell. He fell into the customer's kitchen, where the lady of the house was starting to prepare the family dinner. In one hand he had a bottle of urine and in the other his manhood.

Do you think the customer would have been more or less offended by a request to use their bathroom?


  1. Oh my goodness!!! That is more than hilarious!!!!!! Great share! ha ha. Can you imagine that woman's reaction?! ha ha!

  2. haha - that is absolutely priceless! I cannot imagine being that woman - oh the thoughts running thru her head!
