Friday, July 17, 2009

More Simple Thoughts

Just a few random bursts of semi-conscious thoughts, and some bathroom observations:

  • The people who once claimed that the earth’s population would become too large to feed are now the tree-hugger, global warming crowd. They were wrong then and now. Everyone will know this once real debate is allowed.
  • I hate it when the person in the next stall exits the restroom without washing their hands.
  • Assuming the bill is read, (Knee)Cap and T(ax)rade will not make it through the Senate.
  • Judge Sotomayor will be confirmed. Her vote will replace that of another liberal, so it is a wash. The conservative hope is that she becomes to Obama what Justice Souter's was to George H. Bush – a disappointment.
  • The worst thing about vacations is that you need another the day after you finish one.
  • Most liberals are good people and live their lives as conservatives. My only problem with them is they are the ones who elect the liberals in Washington.
  • The birthplace of basketball is Kansas!
  • Some think that Barrack Obama, after completing his capture of the US economy, will attempt to revoke the 2 term limit for the office of President. I predict that he will fail that, and fail winning a second term.
  • Public bathrooms stay much cleaner now that most have the little cameras installed over the urinals and behind the toilets.
  • President Obama continues to make the George W. Bush administration look good.
  • Private insurance companies will not be able to compete with a government plan that can deficit spend and print its own money.
  • Senator Al Franken is the most accomplished clown in the Senate. Want some proof? Take a look at the youTube video of Senator Boxer telling Harry Alford to get to the back of the bus with the rest of the black folk:

Absolutely priceless!


  1. - The worst thing about vacations is that you need another the day after you finish one.

    AMEN! Isn't that true!

  2. I agree with almost everything you said. Except one

  3. That one was included especially for you.

  4. Good thing they're simple thoughts and not correct thoughts. ;)

  5. Someone sent this to me, thought of you:

    "Sometimes you are encouraged about our country's future when you see something like this. Specifically, there is an annual contest at Texas A&M University calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.

    This year's term was "Political Correctness."

    The winner wrote:

    "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end".
