Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Global Warming, an article of faith

I have often thought for a while that many of the modern liberal beliefs were more akin to a religion than to logical thought. Take for instance the current request by liberals of Judge Sotomayor to say she supports Roe v. Wade. It's not enough to simply be a liberal, you must also pledge your loyalty to abortion, the sacrament of the liberal's religion.

The global warming myth is another of their religious views. The earth is heating up and we will soon reap the consequences is another article of faith. Science tends not to support man made global warming, so that science is ignored and stifled. Do you know that global temperatures have decreased over the last 11 years? The recent cooling is more consistent with the cyclical nature of the sun's activity than CO2. Do you know there is no evidence that ocean levels are rising? Do you think this would be good information to know, communicate, and debate?

There was little reporting from last last week's G-8 meeting in Italy, that the 8 apostles, (a.k.a. the G-8 leaders), pledged not to allow the Earth's temperature to rise more than 3.6 degrees F. What absurdity. As if they can control the climate. Do you think they have a god-like view of themselves?

I recently found a great article from the San Francisco Chronicle that does a better job at describing this bizarre liberal behavior than I can. I have posted he link below. Enjoy!


  1. If only the lib media would report this stuff… Bunch of robots!
