Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Would Frank Think?

It has been 11 days since I posted anything related to politics or world events.  Since then, much has happened.  The gigantic earthquake and tsunami in Japan and a civil war in Libya now dominate the headlines.  Surprising nobody, not much of anything has happened in the Congress.  Still no budget, little cooperation or civility.  Bickering continues on whether American can afford to cut spending by $2 billion a week while we are paying that much each day in interest on the national debt.

With my silence, many of you might be wondering what would Frank think?  For that reason, I will begin an occasional post on just what I think.  You can thank me later.

Frank thinks that president Obama acted far too slow  reacting to calls for a no-fly zone in Libya.  While he worried about how America would be perceived by the world if we used military force, rebel gains were lost as well as thousands of rebel lives.  Quick action might have limited what Gadhafi forces reclaimed and avoided consideration of sending ground troops to support the rebels.

Frank thinks it is hilarious that even after his dithering, America is still seen as leading the effort to oust Gadhafi.  Certain heads of state have asked the Nobel committee to strip Obama's Nobel Peace Prize in light of his support of the United Nations resolution calling for a no fly zone over Libya.  The most popular tweet today is that Obama has now fired more Tomahawk missiles in anger than all other Nobel Peace Prize recipients combined, (no, I still don't tweet).

Frank thinks it is preposterous that America let the French lead on the Libyan action.  Remember French are the ones who could get out of their own way fast enough in Iraq.  It is surprising that France will risk their soldiers at all to get Gadhafi out of Libya. After all, France didn't do much to get the Germans out of France during WWII.

Frank thinks that it is humorous that members of Congress are now criticizing Obama for allowing military action in Libya without consulting them.  I know it is constitutional to do so, but really, they belong to a legislative body that today has become so polarized that it is essentially useless.  If Obama had gone to Congress for permission, Gadhafi might be marching down Pennsylvania Avenue before those clowns authorized the use of force.  Still it is fun to watch them eat their own.

Frank thinks it sad the tragedy in Japan will be used by limp-wristed, tree-hugging, dope-smioking liberals everywhere to stop the building of new nuclear plants.  They may even use it successfully to shut down operational plants.  Fukushima does not equal Chernobyl.  There are so many differences between the two incidents.  Chernobyl was a Ruskie plant.  The Ruskies were inept and dangerous in their nuclear designs.  Chernobyl had a containment lean-to shack, not a containment vessel.  Chernobyl used carbon to cool the reactor.  Carbon burns.  Conversely, the Japanese have some of the best nuclear engineers on the planet.  The Japanese have performed heroically to limit the incident from becoming a disaster in spite of an overwhelming chain of events.  Yet, opportunists will use this event as their reason for eliminating the cheapest, cleanest energy source currently available on the planet.  All this to further their desire to make energy too expensive for mass consumption by common people.

Frank thinks tattoo parlors should be prohibited from giving tattoos to fat girls.  Have you ever noticed that every fat girl has one?  It's usually on the back of their neck or on the shoulder.  Start noticing.

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