Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stupid Letter of the Week

This week's winner is Maria Baldwin from Kansas City. Maria suffers from a severe case of WBS. For those who have not heard of this disease, WBS is Whiny Baby Syndrome. The afflicted's symptoms include the inability to get out of bed and dress themselves, a chronic desire to whine about things in their lives (dead end job) that with effort they could change. and a general lack of bowel and bladder control.

Meaning of freedom
I have been musing about all the talk about "freedom" (anyone lost any yet?) and "we want our country back." I like to put in another way: "We want a better country" -- a country where people don’t have to die for lack of health care.

I call it freedom when you and not your employer decide who will be your health care provider, and when you decide your co-payment and how much your employer pays for that privilege. All or part of this will be tax deducible for your employer.

I call it freedom not to get stuck in a dead-end job because of these so-called benefits. How many of you could have achieved more if it were not for the fear of losing your job and losing everything you worked for?

I call it freedom when losing your job might not always mean receiving unemployment benefits in which you and the employer have paid into.

Yes we want a better country, with better education and some hope for all of us, and with no wars and less violence. A country not living by fear but in peace.

Maria Baldwin
Kansas City

Gag me with a spoon! Nobody is dying because they have no health care. They die because they don't make the effort to go to a hospital where they cannot be refused treatment. And yes, Maria, I have lost freedom. I lost the freedom to spend my money as I see fit.

But there is help for Maria's WBS. She could receive stem cell implants to help her grow a backbone.

That is if she has insurance.

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