Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stupid Letter of the Week

Barb McAtee of Overland Park wins this week's award. Barb has fully bought into the state media's depiction of conservatives, tea partiers and anyone who disagrees with Barry. She starts her letter by swallowing media lies of alleged racist incidents, and attributes threats, (later proven to be made by democrat party members), to the right.

Ease up on incivility

Despicable rhetoric on the airways and in the halls of Congress has polarized and threatened to paralyze government. Purveyors of hate have created a national climate of intolerance, which has fostered racist insults, criminal assault and terroristic threats against congressmen; as well as criminal damage to their offices across the country.

These actions are a form of terrorism, designed to intimidate political opponents and destroy our government. I have no doubt that what we see is just the tip of the iceberg of hate.

Can democracy function in this atmosphere? Surely such behavior is un-American. We cannot condone this behavior. Please stop the crazy, hate-filled rhetoric that foments a fanatical fringe into frenzy.

Where is the voice of the Republican former president who once called for "a kinder, gentler nation?"

It is time for conservative "leaders" to demonstrate their leadership capacity by calling for a stop to this craziness.

If they don’t do so, they are tacitly condoning, if not encouraging criminal and unpatriotic behavior.

Barb McAtee
Overland Park

I am sickened by her request for conservative leaders to call for a stop to "this craziness". Is she saying this behavior is purely a conservative phenomenon? Where were the democrat leadership when President Bush was being called a murderer, or when republicans were accused of killing old people and children? Oh, yeah I remember now. The democrat leaders were the one making the statements.

Both sides have mis-behavers. And civil discourse on areas of disagreement is not mis-behavior. But to only blame one side for bad behavior is nothing short of brainless.

1 comment:

  1. She is too hopped up on sugar from drinking all that kook aid. This is why media bias is so dangerous, our fat and lazy population takes the word of one source.
