Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Nice Easter Weekend

It started with dinner at our good friends Charlie and Chris Clark's home. We usually only see them at the New Threatre, so a Friday night dinner at their home was a treat. They had purchased hormone-free organic steaks at a local butcher shop, which we prepared on the grill and were delicious. The evening concluded with a card game - not my favorite past time. I cannot remember the name or the rules, but it was a pretty fun game as card games go. It was a team game, so Charlie and I annihilated our life partners.

I spent most of Saturday getting the basement ready to paint. Everything is complete except for enameling the doors and woodwork. That task will take most of the month with all the other activities that will compete for my time. I will post pictures when completely complete. The afternoon was devoted to the first grass cutting of the year. While I did that, Terri cleaned up the planter beds. All of this was accomplished in time for us to make the 5:00 service at church.

Easter Sunday was as nice as any I can remember. We had the family over for BBQ brisket and ribs that I had smoked the previous weekend. Everyone except nephew William was able to attend. Dan was able to attend once getting off of his shift as a Bonner Springs cop. The weather was absolutely beautiful - brilliant sunshine, mid 70's with a stiff breeze. The grand kids eagerly participated in an Easter Egg Hunt. Even Coleton was able to score a couple of eggs for himself.

Spring has arrived in Kansas City, as evidenced by green lawns, flowers in bloom, ideal temperatures, and late afternoon storms. Sunday's weather is why we live in Kansas City. It is our reward for enduring this past winter.

1 comment:

  1. The wknd sounds both productive and good! Happy Easter! We cannot wait for renovation pictures! :)
