Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stupid Letter of the Week

This week's Stupid Letter writer of the week is Hugh Hollenshead of Chanute Kansas. 

Supply side sham

The Republicans started two very expensive wars; gave themselves and their rich friends huge tax cuts; deregulated the mortgage/banking industry, which caused the economic meltdown — and now they and the tea party people want us to believe that the whole mess is the Democrats’ fault.

If Congress had the courage to let the George W. Bush tax cuts expire, the deficit would disappear in time.

Supply-side economics is a hoax.

Hugh Hollenshead
Chanute, Kan.

Let's break down Hugh's delusions one at a time.

The republicans gave their friends huge tax cuts.  I guess that makes Hugh and I friends of the republicans.  Hugh is swallowing the liberal lies that Bush tax cuts went to the rich.  In fact, they went to everyone who pays taxes.  The more you pay,the larger the cut, but in the end the rich still pay far more taxes than the rest of us.

The republicans deregulated the mortgage banking industry.  Wow.  What revisionist history that statement is.  It was under Bill Clinton's watch that mortgage standards were reduced to allow those who could not afford a house to buy one.  And it was Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, liberal democrats, who declared Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac to be well run and healthy just months before the mortgage crisis.

Tea party people want us to believe that the whole mess is the Democrats’ fault.  Yes, because that are at least as guilty as republicans and have controlled the congress for the past 4 years.

If Congress had the courage to let the George W. Bush tax cuts expire, the deficit would disappear in time.  Good luck Hugh.  The only way to reduce the deficit is to grow the economy.  You can't collect enough taxes to pay it down.  Tax cuts are the only government action that has ever grew the economy.

Supply-side economics is a hoax.  So what is your model?  Let the parasites of our society grow the economy?

So Hugh, when you Google your name someday and see this blog, I want you to

 remember Abe Lincoln's quote: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt".  Sorry that it is too late for you.

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