Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stupid Letter of the Week

It has been a while since I have shared a stupid letter on this blog.  So long that I feel I must remind everyone (all 5 of you) there is no such thing as a stupid letter.  There are stupid people who write letters.  The recent election has brought many of them out of their stupor to write letters to the local newspaper.  This following letter from John Dunham of Marceline Missouri is an excellent example.

Waiting for GOP fixes

Congratulations to the GOP. The party did a masterful job of guiding a disgruntled electorate into a state of amnesia all across the country and even into county races in our fine state. The party guided voters to the “realization” that the woes of this country can be the work of one man and one party of big spenders.

How quickly the citizens forgot that without the economic blunders of the GOP leadership there would have been no need for stimulus packages. How quickly people have forgotten that the sitting president wasn’t the one who started two misguided wars that certainly didn’t help the economic situation of this country and that continue to pile onto the growing deficit, which the GOP so proudly jumped on to secure votes.

The measures currently in place over the last two years to improve the economy will most certainly be taken credit for by the same party that rode the wave of “no” to victory in the election. It’s masterful how a party that helped create the problem can be elected to solve it.

I wait with interest to see how a party of “no” fixes it.

John Dunham
Marceline, Mo.

John starts with a familiar liberal rant.  We voters are just too dumb to know what is true.  He knows better than we the majority.  Those GOP scoundrels are able to fool us into voting for them, but he wasn't fooled.

I think that most voters who chose to vote out a democrat in favor of a republican knew that they were picking the lesser of two evils.  We know that both parties are responsible for the current economic conditions and the national debt.   Most of us know that constitutionally, war funding was proper, while entitlements are simply nice to have.  In the totality of our current situation, the 2 wars did not cause the current budget deficit.  Inconvenient fact: Iraq has cost America around 1 trillion dollars over 10 years.  That is less than the Obama first year deficit.

I hope the republicans can can lead us out of our current mess, but I am not convinced they will.  Still, I would rather transfer control to them versus allow the corrupt, incompetent democrats have another 2 years of unrestrained damage.  "No" can be a good thing when used against bad ideas.  The republicans are the party of NO, and it lead to their decisive victory in NOvember.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the Big Five of your readership would agree with your position on this one. Sad that the truth about which party had the majorities in the House & Senate over time matched to which party had the Presidency when most of the negative policies were implemented is lost on most of us. Most seem to buy into the rhetoric that their preferred party pours out. Electing people that will actually SERVE the people is where we have to go, regardless of their political association. Those are the leaders we are seeking.
