Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stupid Letter of the Week

This week I pick a real winner for the most stupid letter to the Kansas City Star. John Martin must be mathematics challenged because he apparently cannot see the difference between a $454 billion dollar deficit during the last year of George Bush's administration, and the $1.4 trillion dollar deficit during the first year of Barrack's. I realize that part of Barack's deficit was due to TARP, initiated by Bush and supported by Obama. Even so, Obama's budget deficit projections grow even larger. Here is John's knowledge nugget:

Democrats blameless

In response to Martin Kaynan’s letter (2/19), I want to contribute this: During the eight-year siege of President George W. Bush the Republicans sent untold billions in cash and material to Iraq and called it "nation building." They never expressed any concern about making our national debt worse.

Now, when Democrats propose plans for programs that will benefit U.S. citizens, the Republicans are concerned that our debt will destroy us, and they call the Democrats’ programs "socialism."

John J. Martin

Kansas City

One can also reasonably assert that Bush's spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could be considered national defense - a constitutional requirement of the federal government. The majority of Barrack spending was used to facilitate a leftist agenda that could never be supported by a majority of the American citizens. John, you are a dork.


  1. You would love going back to school these days. My sociology and economics professors seem to disagree with every conservative way of thought.

    It's difficult to listen and 'learn' on most days

  2. best line of the entire post, " are a dork"

    ha! made me smile.

  3. I concur with Mrs. McGoo's comment ! Sometimes best to call it what it is.
