Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Elections Have Consequence

The most impactful change of the Obama administration is now law. Our elected representatives were successful in passing a bad law that most Americans did not want. A purely partisan law negotiated in secret, loaded with new spending, and including special deals used to buy votes. The President signed the bill yesterday.

The most maddening aspect of the process is that the House of Representatives passed what they acknowledged to be a poor bill on the hope they would be able to fix it later. It is analogous to playing Russian roulette, saying there may not be a bullet in the chamber, and if there is we will fix it later.

But today, we have a new health care law in effect that includes warts, such as new taxes and the Corn Husker kickback. We are to have faith that our Congress, the same one who wrote and passed the current flawed bill will soon pass a bill that will fix it. I don't believe it will be that easy.

What is needed is a bill that repeals the current bill. Since that would also need the President's signature, a repeal bill has no chance for at least 3 years. Elections have consequence. The Obama groupies that propelled him into office are mostly oblivious to the hope and change they have brought on our nation. We can only hope they catch on soon and help us make the 2010 and 2012 elections have consequence also.

1 comment:

  1. My struggle with all of this is that most folks that are either undecided or for the bill, they automatically assume that those of us that are against the bill are against changing the system at all. They assume we all believe the current health care system is perfect, which couldn't be farther from the truth. I believe something needs to change to help with the constant increases - but THIS BILL IS NOT THE ANSWER.
