Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Am Despicable

I am having a difficult day. Maybe I shouldn't believe what others say about me, but it is adding up. Take for instance the Obama supporters that call me and my conservative brethren racist for not supporting his socialist plans. I am also considered a racist by those who believe that illegal aliens should be given health care and amnesty. The fact that I support better border controls and speaking English in America are other proof points of my racism.

By the way, I am also a homophobe because I believe marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a women, and not a social or legal contract that provides tax advantages and other benefits. It doesn't matter that I could care less what adults do in private. Apparently freedom cannot be complete unless a person's sexuality can be openly published and accepted by all.

Last Friday I was asked why I hate this country because I voiced my opinion that using a parliamentary trick to force health care legislation into law was heavy handed, Chicago-style politics. I guess my protective attitude over the quality of my current health care must mean that I hate those cannot afford or choose not to pay for health insurance.

Now Al Gore says that because I am "denier" of the man made global warming religion, I am part of a criminal generation leaving catastrophic climate change for the next generation to clean up.

So my self worth has taken a hit. After all, I am a homophobic racist environmental criminal that hates America. Maybe I need to change?


  1. Since you have become so despicable I think it is time you ran for office. Frank Bryant for Congress!!!!

  2. Nice comment, Charlie.

    Frank, if you run for office I'll contribute Cindy for her organizational skills! Great post, my friend.
