Saturday, March 20, 2010


Never has so much good will and trust been so quickly squandered by a leader. On March 19th, 2010 President Obama's job approval rating crossed over. The only surprise about this is how long it has taken. I once believed that his negatives would be higher than his positives late last year. Instead, they began to flatten out and hover around +3%.

The moral of this story is that you should never underestimate the inattentiveness of the American people. Many are just now beginning to understand that health care legislation does not mean they will get free health care. Instead, those who decide not to purchase insurance will be required to and fined if they do not.

Americans are also becoming familiar with the Obama administrations' heavy-handed tactics and don't like it. We all learned back in grade school government class that laws are passed when both the House and Senate vote in favor of a piece of legislation and it is then signed by the president. Attempts to bribe senators and representatives to support bills they do not like has become the norm. And when that does not work, parliamentary tricks that serve only to pass the bill and provide political cover for supporters without actually voting on the bill are used. Even staunch democrats see this process as wrong and dangerous.

I expect Obama's negatives to continue to rise as more people either realize what is happening, or simply jump on the bandwagon. This, and the fact that we will have a new Congress in less than a year, and a new president in less than 3 years are what conservatives can look forward to.

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