Saturday, March 6, 2010

Can I Say Liar!

Modern technology. Nothing a politician says can be forgotten. This is not a bad thing, unless you are a liar. If you always tell the truth, you don't have to worry about what you said in a video a couple years ago. Obama has now been caught twice telling whopper lies related to how he would go about getting a health care bill passed. The first was when he said at least 7 times that legislative negotiations would be held in public and on C-Span. In the following video, the Liar in Chief says that they would only pass a bill with a super majority, not a 50 +1 majority. This from the man who orders a parliamentary trick to get the bill passed.

What can you say other than Liar, liar, pants on fire!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Frank. This raises a hard truth here that I'm at a loss to understand, that being how others defend this President's behavior.

    Seems that convenience in getting what you want regardless of the views and preferences of those you are elected to represent, that being the whole of American citizens, remains the rule for our current elected leaders. Obama shows once again why the current leadership just has to go. We must return our government to that of representing the people and not focusing on self focused benefits.
