Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama Approval

In previous blogs, I predicted that Obama's negatives would become greater than his positive by the end of 2009. While stubbornly close, it has not happened. The "average of averages" poll indicates Obama's approvals at 49% and dis-approvals at 46%, roughly the same level as my last inaccurate prediction on December 9th. I obviously over-estimated the public relations impacts of his health care plan, support for Cap and Trade, and record deficits. So I wonder if I can conclude that at least one of the following statements are true:

  1. 49% of the populace do not pay attention, or
  2. 49% of the populace don't understand the issues, or
  3. 49% of the populace believe that Obama will provide them with free health care, or
  4. 49% of the populace are willing to pay a sky rocketing cost of living just in case man is really causing the planet to warm, or
  5. Printing money won't have any negative effects on our future economy, or
  6. It is fine to let the benevolent Chinese hold the majority of America's debt

In reality, I suspect the real answer is some combination of the above. I suspect the combination would include items 1,2 and 3.

Several years ago, I felt that we were an apathetic nation. Now I think we are an ill-informed nation. Government power will be anointed on candidates and parties that can tell the best story, and manufacture the best sound bites. Facts are no longer meaningful, only feelings.

If I feel heath care should be a right, then passing laws to enact health care is okay. If I feel that polar bears are cute, then we should reduce our energy use by dramatically increasing the cost. If I feel that war is unnecessary, then we can cut and run with no consequence. If I feel that I deserve more from the government, then it is okay to take loans out that our kids will repay.

I think I liked apathy better.


  1. 1 & 2 are for sure.
    We are an UNINFORMED nation. And when folks due attempt to become informed, the media jumbles all the realities up and makes a story out of it.

  2. Is there a thing such as unbiased media? Seems like every show has an agenda.
