Monday, January 4, 2010


Okay, I have been good through the holidays. You know, peace and goodwill towards all mankind. But seeing what was going on in Congress, I had to stifle myself several times. I want to scream when I see our elected representatives acting criminal. It was more than just the health care obamanation coming out of the Senate.
  • The Senate Democrats moved unilaterally, and without the support of a majority of citizens to get a health care bill passed before Christmas even though it is not planned to go into effect until 2014 at the earliest. What was the rush?

  • Democrats have the gall to claim passage of the health care obamanation was a gift to America.

  • Nobody in Congress has even read the 2 separate bills that have now passed each legislative bodies.

  • Harry Reid spends $100 million of other people's money to bribe Senator Ben Nelson for his vote on health care.

  • Senator Ben Nelson puts a sweet heart deal for Nebraska ahead of America.

  • A quality bill was never considered. It was given that the bills were deeply flawed, but would be fixed in conference. So nobody really knows what the final bill will even be.

  • Congress votes to extend the debt ceiling on Christmas eve so that it would go "under the radar".

  • Congress exempts itself from coverage of the health care bill it passed.

  • Republicans timidly suggest fixes that would solve most problems with health care, but Democrats rejected each, then claimed Republicans had no ideas.

Holidays are over. I am done being without rant. It is time to spew.

I am mad at Democrats. The Democrats have abused their power like never before done by a majority party. They are giving the finger to half the country and simply imposing their will.

I am mad at Republicans. The Republicans have been completely ineffective at articulating an alternative to the Democrat's socialist agenda. Not only have they not provided alternatives, they have not called out the Democrat's heavy-handedness in any meaningful way.

I say enough of them all. It is time for America to declare open season on all Congressional incumbents. My thought is that a green rookie Senator or Representative is far better than what we have now. We need new blood in Congress, people that have a clue about how real Americans feel. Unfortunately, most of America agrees with me, but only in relation to every other Senator or Representative. Because of the pork brought home to their constituency, most Americans are satisfied with their own Senator or House Representative.

There is only one option that is good for America. Vote them all out. If party affiliation is a big deal to you, vote against the incumbent in the primaries. Only a clean house will fix what is broken in Washington.

My voting scheme for 2010 is simple. Even though I like my Senator (Pat Roberts) for his conservative record, he too is part of the current Washington problem. If a cocker spaniel runs against Roberts in the primary, I will vote for the cocker spaniel. If Senator Roberts beats the cocker spaniel and he runs against a liberal Democrat that has never served in Congress, I will hold my nose and vote for the liberal Democrat. Only if he runs against another congress person will I consider voting for Roberts again.

All of America must take this approach or what has happened in 2009 will only get worse in 2010 and beyond.


  1. We need new blood in Congress, people that have a clue about how real Americans feel.

    TERM LIMITS TERM LIMITS TERM LIMITS!!! The govt system was NOT made with the thought that people would be PROFESSIONAL politicians! That's what makes this all corrupt! We need to start MAJOR PETITIONS regarding TERM LIMITS. 2 sessions in house, 2 sessions in Congress then you're DONE. D.O.N.E... and another takes over from there. This would help eliminate the constant I scratch your back, you scratch mine (aka the extra pork on EVERY bill). Time to get back to the way it was supposed to be... common man, serving his countryman... not plush, fat, rich politicians doing their own stuff rather than fighting for the people.

    Want to start that petition? Betcha my pop will sign....

  2. Politics is the only profession where the more experience you have, the worse you get.
