Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Congressional Approval

Using the same "average of averages" poll I track for Obama'a approval rating, you will see the approval rating for our esteemed congress is at 27% with a disapproval rating of 66%. Thinking back on the past year when our representatives have bickered, lied, hidden their actions, passed bad bills, broke promises, and disregarded our will, you have to wonder - why is their approval rating so high?

I suspect the reason that 27% of American's approve of Congress' performance is the same reasons that 46% approve of President Obama's performance. They are not paying attention. All they are aware of is the pork their representative brings home, without any concern for what their actions are doing to the country as a whole. And it is all done just to get re-elected.

I am sure there are a few good senators or house members. But I have to wonder whether there are enough to warrant keeping them in office. I think about the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah. God could not find enough good in the cities to warrant saving them, so he burnt them to the ground. Applying this metaphorically to our Congress is easy. Are there enough good representative there to warrant ferreting them out and re-electing only them?

I say there is not. They have not agreed to term limits, so the voters must take action. A "Throw the Bums Out" movement will soon begin to grow as it has in the past. After a cursory Google search, I was somewhat disheartened there is not a recent organized movement as there has been in the past. But it is coming. You can feel the dissatisfaction in the air. Even some of the Obama supporters are opposing the very hope and change they voted for in 2008.

Be ready to jump on the bandwagon. It will pick up speed as the 2010 election gets closer. We need to rain fire and brimstone down upon the Congress. The future of our great nation may require it.

1 comment:

  1. Someone has to start the movement right? You need a nudge? I'll send you bbq
