Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stupid Letter of the Week

Okay, I need a show of hands.  How many believe that Congress will take care of you.  Hmmm, uh huh.  Just one of you.  The author of the stupid letter for this week, Chris Kraft of Kansas City.

Vote for real change

I have a question for people out there desperately seeking jobs: Did you take the time to vote in November?

If the Democrats had won more seats, the unemployed would be better represented in Congress. The benefits would have been extended, perhaps beyond the compromised limits.

Taxes on the middle class would have been relaxed without having to compromise a huge debt under tax relief for the rich. And the billions saved from not giving the wealthy a tax break would put us on the road to economic recovery at a faster pace.

I pray that 2011 proves to be a year where those looking for a job can finally land a good one. With this new Congress, however, prayer may be our only hope.

Chris Kraft
Kansas City

Knowing that people like Chris Kraft exist in significant numbers enrages me.  Chris equates an extension of unemployment with a benevolent government when in fact, they are more likely fostering dependence.  What anyone (including the government gives) they can also take away.  Becoming dependent on unemployment checks does nothing for a families long term security.

This is one of the stark differences between liberals and conservatives.  Liberals feel good redistributing wealth.  Conservatives understand that benefits of redistribution are temporary at best.  Chris Kraft will give his vote to a liberal so they will take care of him.  He is free to do so, but becomes irritating when he asks that we help him help himself by filling the congress with nanny-state liberals.

Two overwhelmingly stupid statements highlight his letter:
  • Letting the Congress spend the "billions in saved by not giving the wealthy a tax break would lead to a faster economic recovery, and
  • Extending unemployment payments has something to do with finding a good job.

For these astoundingly stupid statements, Chris Kraft,  you are the stupid letter writer of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Why should they look for a job when we keep paying for their unemployment? Especially if we extend it. Maybe he thinks the government should give everyone their wages they lost instead of a fixed amount. That would help...

