Monday, February 7, 2011

Help a SAP

Everyone has seen the commercials.  They always start with a few pathetic pictures of hungry children, abused animals, or endangered species.  Just as you are about to reach for a tissue, the hard sell starts.  You can adopt a child, provide clean water to a village, save an abused animal, or safeguard a species for just pocket change each week. 

I don't want to make fun of feeding hungry children, or providing the essentials of life to the underprivileged, but I suspect most of these commercials are simply scams.  If I want to donate, I will do so through churches or established charities with a proven track record.  Yet, I am sure many people succumb to the sad pictures and part with their pocket change each week.  At least, that is what I am counting on.


Each week, many professionals report every day to as job that makes them sad.  Many of these sad aging professionals (SAPs) are nearing retirement age and occupy positions that could be filled by younger, more enthusiastic workers.  If you could find it in your heart to help a SAP retire, you will bring happiness to their family and the family of the unemployed youngster who replaces them.  There aren't many opportunities to spend just a few cents per week to enrich the lives of so many, so don't hesitate.

This is Frank.   Frank is a SAP.  People from across the country now have the opportunity to help Frank achieve his goal of early retirement.  But Frank can achieve that goal without your help.  Without your help, Frank may need to work 10 more years before he retires.  That is 10 more years of unemployment for this SAP's replacement.  Think of that family.  Think of the wife who cooks the last of the family's Romaine noodles with a spoonful of rice.  Think of the children who may never know the thrill of playing Grand Theft Auto or Modern Warfare on their very own Xbox.  You can help Frank help that family by helping a SAP retire. 

Will you reach into your pocket and bring out 2 quarters.  Yes, just 50 cents.  Pretty easy, isn't it.  Now do it again.  Still pretty easy, right?  This simple action, when done 98 more times on a weekly basis, can bring happiness to two families.  For every 20 people who pledge to help by sending $50 a week to the Sad Aging Professionals Fund (SAPFUN), a SAP will retire early and create a new job for a young family.

For your gift, you will receive a picture of your SAP as they become a happy retiree.  You will also receive occasional updates on your SAP's progress from locations such as, Kansas, North Carolina, Hawaii, Florida, and California.  Detailed reports on your SAP's golf handicap, recent motorcycle trips, and current home projects will be sent periodically.  Don't wait.  A SAP needs your help.

Don't wait. Remember, it's all about the children.  A SAP is waiting now for your donation.


  1. Love it. Cindy says "I wanna be a SAP, too!"

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog, but this particular entry ranks among the best!!


  3. How are we supposed to donate without a phone number or address?


  4. Just leave your credit card number in a comment. I'll take care of the rest.
