Friday, February 4, 2011

Stupid Letter of the Week

I haven't posted a stupid letter recently, mainly because I have been overwhelmed reading letters written by stupid people.  A letter from Kate Gaynor Riha of Kansas City caught my eye this week.  I am not sure if Kate hates America of simply idolizes President Obama. 

U.S. exceptionalism

In Kathleen Parker’s column Monday, “Expect the ‘exceptional’ and expect it quite often,” she faults President Barack Obama for not referring to the United States in his speech as “exceptional.” Parker says more conservative individuals equate referring to the U.S. as exceptional as a gauge of patriotism.

Perhaps this feeling of exceptionalism is what’s wrong with the United States, and is partially to blame for the anger that is oftentimes directed at the United States.

While good self-esteem is an admirable trait for a person or group, there’s a fine line between self-esteem and narcissism. Self-esteem is a feeling of worth that comes from confidence in skills and abilities that have been tested, and it is imperative for a person, group or country. It helps people to muster the confidence to overcome adversity.

A problem arises when self-esteem morphs into narcissism, characterized by excessive pride, a feeling of superiority, an attempt to hide any sign of weakness and an indifference to others. This often leads to bullying. The perception this gives to those outside the group is one of intolerance and superiority.

Is it any wonder that those outside the group (or country) feel resentment?

Kate Gaynor Riha
Kansas City

What I am sure of is that Kate is a liberal.  Two clues jumped out immediately.  The first is that she seems embarrassed of her country, a typical liberal guilt response.  Why shouldn't Americans have excessive pride in their country?  Kate, is there another country on earth that has contributed anything close to what America has given to the world?  The citizens of which country repeatedly step up to provide aid to tsunami, earthquake, typhoon, flooding and every other natural disaster victim across the globe?  The soldiers of which country have given their lives by the millions to win or protect freedom for another nation?  The capitalism of which country has provided medical breakthroughs and technological wonders to citizens from every country?

Kate, its America.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  America is the most giving, caring, and human rights respecting country on earth.

Oh yeah, the second clue.  Anyone who has 3 names, such as Kate Gaynor Riha, and uses each is a east coast snooty liberal who only wants to educate us illiterate Midwesterners.

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