Monday, February 21, 2011

Off Today

For some strange reason, today is a holiday at my company.  We get 8 every year, and since the lat New Years day holiday fell in 2010, and the next one in 2012, the Human Resources Department was searching for a substitute holiday.  President's Day was the pick. 

I have never been a government employee so have never been off on President's Day.  I don't know how to celebrate it.  Do you put up a President's Day tree?  Is gift-giving appropriate?  Expected?  While I like the day off, I have no idea what the traditions are.  I need to consult with a government employee to find out.

Maybe the day should be spent making signs that compare politicians who attempt to balance their budgets to Hitler.  Maybe President's Day can be used to riot over treating government employees just like private employers treat their employees.  After all, government employees are a special class of people who should not be expected to contribute towards their own retirement or pay a percentage of their health insurance like the rest of us do.  That would be unfair. Taxpayers should increase their giving to support these people.  That would be fair.

Now I know what to do on President's Day.


  1. Perfect day for me to start reading your blog. Just wanted to say thanks for the overtime pay today, Frank.

    -Government Employee-

  2. Love it ! Some say timing is everything.

  3. Brent becomes my personal best. Usually it takes me 2-3 weeks to offend someone.
