Wednesday, February 24, 2010

National Health Care Plan xxx

Obama has cobbled together his version of a health care bill and will meet with Republican leaders on Thursday. Doesn't sound bipartisan to me, but it really doesn't matter. This bill has less of a chance of passing that either bills the Congress worked on last year. Why? Because of Scott Brown. It really doesn't matter what is in Obama's bill because it is a poison pill for any representative that supports it.

Back in October 2009 I blogged about our Kamikaze Senators that seemed willing to lose their jobs just to enact a national health care program. I now think they did not really believe the voters would hold them accountable for their vote. After Scott Brown's upset of a liberal Democrat to fill the seat of Ted Kennedy, now they believe.

America has seen the health care plan and does not want it. Barrack Obama and Kathleen Sebelius do not believe that we are smart enough to understand how the bill will improve our lives, so they are trotting out their version. But Senators and House members now know that for those who support the bill, an election loss is in their future.

So even if the Democratic leadership uses parliamentary tricks to get a bill passed, I don't think it will. I cannot see 50% of either legislative body taking the poison pill.

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