Monday, February 22, 2010

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin for President? I don't think so, but not because I couldn't support her. Every time hear the woman speak I like what I hear. It reminds me of how I felt when Newt Gingrich began selling the Republican's Contract with America. Sarah, like Newt, espouses true conservatism. The most significant difference is the package. Sarah is pleasant to look at while Newt is an old fat white guy.

It is this packaging that scared the pants off of the liberal left. They see Sarah as the right's Obama. She is a threat. She must be destroyed. Just after McCain added Palin to the Republican presidential ticket, McCain surged in the polls. Republicans and Independents liked what they were hearing. The hatchet job began immediately. Libs from the media immediately began to work her over. The New York Daily News recently printed a case study in media bias where they compared the treatment of Palin to that of John Edwards (a real slob). While the article did not dig deep, it did a nice job of showing how the media can attack one politician over another running for the same office, seemly because of their ideology. Tina Fey, Katie Couric and others amped up the attack making Palin look stupid. Polls taken after the election confirmed that a majority of Obama voters erroneously associated sound bites they heard to Palin. Even after the election, the media continues to pound on Palin. It did not help that she resigned from the Alaska governorship, which only gave them more ammunition. Their attacks have worked.

The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that 71 percent of Americans -- including 52 percent of Republicans -- think she is not qualified to be president. Remember that she has executive experience, something that Obama did not have. Yet the public perception is that she is inexperienced. The left has succeeded in destroying future political aspirations of Sarah Palin.

Now is not the time to run Palin against Obama. My belief is that her candidacy would only hand the libs 4 more years. It is not worth the risk. Conservatism needs a new face. It could be Bobby Jindal who believe could be the next president, but it is more likely that we don't know who will emerge as the next conservative voice. Whoever it is, expect the liberal media to immediately pounce and attempt to destroy heir character through misrepresentation and outright lies. That is the state of American politics.

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