Friday, February 5, 2010

Jobs Bill?

During the State of the Union address, Obama appeared to change priorities and begin focusing his resources on job creation. He asked that Congress produce a jobs bill ready for his signature as soon as possible.

Give me a break.

This administration wants more people working for the government, so a jobs bill is simply smoke and mirrors. With the current state of the federal budget, bringing on more government workers is poor management and will be detrimental to our struggling economy. Remember that to pay for each government job, there must be 10 tax-paying private sector jobs. Simply creating government jobs is just another way to run up additional deficits. In short, Obama's job bill is a recipe for financial collapse.

It is very difficult for the federal government to create private sector jobs. All they can really do is incentivize entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and create new work that requires new workers. Lowering interest rates is the best method, since it allows businesses to borrow and expand. But today, interest rates are at record lows. Without the interest rate lever, the federal government can only incentivize by reducing taxes or removing regulation and red tape.

Does anyone think that Obama or the democratic-led Congress would ever consider either of these approaches? I think not. Expect the upcoming jobs bill to be the next unfunded stimulus package used by the democrats to push their leftist agenda. Hopefully Americans are getting wise to their game.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't sound like him when he said he was going to "trim the fat" and less "pork"?
