Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lauren or Scotty?

I haven't commented often on American Idol season 10 this year.  The reason was my disappointment in just about everything related to the show, such as the judges, the contestants, and the format of the show.  There were a few good contestants.  They were all voted off before the finale on Tuesday.  News flash .  beep.. beep..beep.. beep.  American Idol his no longer a talent competition, it is now a popularity contest.

While this has been true for several seasons, it was never more evident than last night watching a young, weak-voiced Josh Turner impersonator compete against a teeny-bopper super-sized school girl.  Neither are more talented than Haley (gone in round 3) or James (gone in round 4).   But you are probably wondering who I think will win.

I don't care.  Neither deserve it.  Neither will have a significant music career.  Neither deserve mention along with past Idol winners, or even past high finishers.  America screwed this season up bad. 

But if you pressed me, Lauren wins.  I just hope that American Idol season 11 replaces the judges, or the show is cancelled.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Complete Irresponsibility

The United States Congress has hit a new low in irresponsibility.  They haven't been held in high esteem for decades, but their current job approval rating of less than 25% begs the question: What does 25% of America see congress doing that is good?  I am at a loss.

As bad a job as congress is doing, I wouldn't expect job approval to increase at all in the coming months.  The reason is the current debate over spending, the deficit, the debt ceiling and future budgets.  Instead of stepping up to solve problems, I see more and more congress people increasing their personal level of irresponsibility.  The non-existent federal budget is their first area of irresponsibility.

Followers of Dave Ramsey know the first step to controlling personal finance is to do a monthly budget.  As he says it, "Every month, on purpose, on paper".  This exercise allows families to understand their income and obligations, and plan accordingly.  For those who have serious debt problems or not enough income to make ends meet, a monthly budget is basic survival.  Yet, our United States congress has not passed a budget since 2009 (for year 2010).  Since a 2011 budget was never passed, the federal government has lived on continuing resolutions.  These are nothing more than taking a loan out to pay the mortgage every few months.  Not passing the budget is the first sign of increasing irresponsibility.

Next, enter representative Paul Ryan.  Ryan has developed a budget plan that would put America back on the road towards fiscal solvency.  It is a bold, courageous step that made him the target of big spenders on both sides of the aisle.  Instead of debating Ryan's budget, or better yet, developing a budget proposal of their own, many in congress have taken the cowardly approach of just demonizing Ryan and supporters of the plan.  President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Chuck Schumer have all claimed that Ryan's plan would "kill medicare", when in fact, Ryan's plan may be the only way to save medicare.  Instead of putting forth their own plans, they merely criticize the Ryan plan.

The most recent sign of increasing irresponsibility is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's statement last week:  “There’s no need to have a Democratic budget, in my opinion,” Reid told the Los Angeles Times last week. “It would be foolish for us to do a budget at this stage.” Instead, Reid wants to wait to see if the deficit-reduction meetings led by Vice President Biden bear any fruit. Before that, Reid wanted to wait for the Gang of Six — now nearly defunct — to come up with something.

So Harry believes it is okay for Congress to shirk their constitutionally mandated role of establishing a federal budget for the president to sign.  There is only one reason he would say this.  He would rather continue throwing rocks at other peoples proposal that open himself up to criticism of his own proposal.  With leadership like this, I doubt that American will ever get its fiscal house in order. 

Here is what I expect for the near future.  Democrats will amp up the "Republicans want to kill medicare" rhetoric.  They will repeat it until many believe it is true.  Nothing will be done to save medicare.  Medicare will eventually collapse under the cost of the program.  I only hope it does not take the American economy with it.  Democrats will then claim that Republican killed medicare.  The sad part is that many will believe them.

Monday, May 23, 2011

DS of the Week - Harold Camping

After spending a lifetime in an attempt to determine Judgement Day by studing the Bible as a coded riddle, yet another prediction has missed the mark. 

During all that studing, he must have blown right past Matthew 24:36: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

Was it not clear enough?

Friday, May 20, 2011

One More Day

Tomorrow is the end of the world according to Harold Camping, an 89 year old preacher from Oakland, California.  Since first posting on this subject, I have learned a few more tid bits to help us in our planning.  First, tomorrow won't be the "fireball" end of earth.  Instead, it will be the rapture, leaving the earth intact for another 6 months.  So now I do need to mow the grass.

But I will have time.  Not only does Camping predict the day, he also predicts the hour.  The event will occur at 6:00 PM, so my Friday evening has now freed up.  I can finish final preparations on Saturday morning.  -T and I will have plenty of time to wash the clothes, take out the trash, change the sheets, mow the grass and give those hardwoods a final swiftering.  But how much time?  The world ends at 6:00 PM, but 6:00 PM where?  That specific time occurs at different moments in the 24 time zones across the globe.  Does he mean 6:00 PM West Coast time where he lives?  Or maybe he is referring to TV show time, you know, 6:00  PM Eastern, 5:00 PM Central.  If so, we just lost another hour.  Or maybe he is speaking GMT, the worldwide standard that everyone can use to convert to their local time.  If so, there went another 5 hours for us in the central time zone.

So now I feel rushed.  We have so much to do tomorrow morning.  At least, I took care of the toenails last Tuesday.  What about the cat?  Anyone reading this after 6:00 PM on May 21st, please drop by my house when you can and feed Chumley.  We will leave the front door unlocked.

The end of the world comes as good news to some.  Pelosi stands to again become House Majority leader.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

All You Need to Know About Obamacare

On March 9th, 2010, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”  Absurd as it seems, she was right.  We learn a little more each week.  The most recent revelation was that of the 1,372 waivers approved by the Department of Health and Human Services, roughly 20% were to businesses located in  Pelosi’s Northern California District.  The waivers apply to one provision of the law, which requires health plans to offer at least $750,000 worth of annual medical benefits before leaving patients to fend for themselves.

Not reported by the mainstream media, the entire state of Nevada, home to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is receiving an Obamacare waiver!  Nevada has secured a statewide waiver from certain implementation requirements of the Obama administration’s health care law, because forcing them through “may lead to the destabilization of the individual market.”  How can this be?  Wasn't this legislation the crown jewel of Obama, Pelosi and Reid's two years of complete control of the legislative and executive branches?

Not really.  The waivers are simply a payoff for ramming the bill the American people didn't want through the House and Senate.  "Payoff" connotes a value for not participating.  Unfortunately, you and I will be forced to.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spider Webbing

For a couple weeks I have been thinking about writing a blog that describes my conversations with -T.  I thought the format of the post would be how she changes subjects without warning, wanders off topic, but eventually returns to the point, even is it is an hour later. 

I wasn't able to describe it coherantly, so never published the post.  But then, last Sunday a preview of the Love & Respect video series hosted at our church gave it a name.  It's called Spider Webbing and it describes many conversations I have with my wife.

Monday, May 16, 2011

DS of the Week - Jean Dunlop

Jean Dunlop of Kansas City is this week's DS of the Week.  Jean is a great example of how the mainstream media can fool the weak minded into believing something that is not true.

Tax burden on poor

I find it very interesting that the GOP continually recommends budget cuts that directly affect the poor who really need the resources. I wonder how much of the deficit would be alleviated if the large corporations and the upper classes actually paid the same percentage of taxes that are paid by the poor and middle classes.

Even if they all paid 15 percent to 20 percent, I believe the national debt would be vastly lessened.

People need to understand this fundamental premise, rather than to respond viscerally to a cry to decrease government spending.

The poor and middle working classes have shouldered this burden alone for too long.

Jean Dunlop
Kansas City

Jean does not realize that 51% of lower income Americans pay no federal income tax at all.  That would be "the poor" she believes pay more than their fair share of taxes.  I am sure the so called rich and large corporations would trade tax rates with the poor and middle class in a heartbeat.

While Jean plays the part of a DS, the blame is on the main stream media as they continue to perpetuate the lie that America's rich and large corporations pay little tax, and benefit greatly from the tax policies of George Bush.  This would be the same tax policy that Barack Obama and the democratic congress just extended another 2 years, but I am sure Jean is unaware of that fact.  The main stream media have again proven that if you repeat a lie often enough, a DS like Jean Dunlop of Kansas City will believe it is true.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Next 10 Days

Some of you may have seen the recent press about a Christian group that claims the end of the world will occur on May 21.  There have been newspaper ads and billboard around the country announcing the date.  The group bases their claim on a complex Biblical formula they invented.  They used the formula before to predict Armageddon in 1994.  They were wrong, but using a continuous improvement philosophy, found their error and recalculated the end date as 5/21/2011.  They think.  Who knows, maybe they are right?

So that gives everyone 10 days to prepare.  What will you do?  Myself, as a Christian, will prepare in the same way I would before going on a vacation.  Since I plan to leave on a vacation several days after the scheduled end of the world, I just need to accelerate my preparation slightly.   

Since the group didn't specify whether the end would come early or late in the day, I may need to cut the grass on Friday night.  On second thought, maybe I can skip that since the yard would be consumed in a ball of fire anyway.  I will need to cut my toe nails.  I don't know why, but I always do before vacations.  I think I do it so that I won't need to pack the toenail clippers.  Saves room in the toiletry bag.  I cancelled the paper delivery last month, so that is one thing I don't need to worry about.  But what about the mail?  The US Postal Service claims to deliver regardless of rain, sleet, snow or dark of night.  Nothing about Armageddon, so maybe I will be safe and put a hold on the mail.

That pretty much sums up my preparations.  -T will have other things.  We will need to wash the bedding, empty the trash, and do the laundry on Friday.  Then just before the end of the world arrives, -T will need to swiffter the hardwood floors.  Then, we are outta there.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Madison's Second Performance

The video is not too good, but the audio is awesome. 

Her Nana and Papa are so proud.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

I have worked in a corporate environment for nearly 15 years.  Today (Friday) I have just witnessed the most stupid meeting ever called.  As if yanked straight from a Dilbert cartoon strip, a meeting was called and a list of issues (Issue Register) was sent with the meeting invitation list.  The meeting was conducted over a conference call complete with remote PC meeting space where the Issue Register was displayed to all participants.

The call host began by saying that he would not be using the meeting to discuss the issues contained on the Issue Register, begging the question of why it was created?  How does he believe the issues would be be resolved.  He then wanted the meeting participants to weigh in on what this meeting, and the future series of meetings, should be used for. So my summary notes from the meeting are:
  • Issue Register distributed to meeting recipients
  • There was no known purpose for this or subsequent meetings. 
  • Meetings will not be used to discuss issues
  • Let the magic begin
I get paid for this.  You can't make this stuff up.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Picture of a Dead Guy

I have listened to the right and left leaning media with interest ever since Obama announced last Sunday evening that Osama bin Laden was dead.  I find that I cannot agree with either.  The announcement was breath-taking.  After nearly 10 years on the run, America got its man.  A sense of relief and satisfaction was felt by most Americans old enough to have witness the twin towers crash down.  I believe the national unity ends there.

Obama's decision to send in the Navy Seals was described by the left as a "tough call" made by a decisive leader.  Baloney.  It was a no-brainer that if not made, would have sank his presidency.  Clinton took heat for lobbing a couple of Tomahawk missiles at OBL after the World Trade Center bombing in 1993.  Bush took heat for letting OBL out of the box a Tora Bora.  Obama would have been destroyed had it ever been known that he knew where OBL was and did not act.  The liberal media are propping Obama up, making him look like the hawkish president he is not.

On Monday and Tuesday, many of the conservative talk show hosts paid complements to Obama's handling of the event.  By Wednesday they began criticizing him for the clumsy, sometimes contradictory, stories coming out of the White House.  When the White House announced on Thursday they would not release pictures of the dead OBL, the right attacked.   I don't understand it.

Osama bin Laden is dead.  Even al-Qaida acknowledges this fact.  There will be some extremists that will not believe that he is dead.  A picture will not change their feeble minds.  Releasing the picture will not make OBL any deader.  There is no upside, and could have a huge inflammatory down side.  My gut tells me that when there is no upside and a potential downside, the risk can never be justified.  There is no need to release a picture of OBL with a hole in his head.  The right should back off.

I am sure that many people would like the satisfaction of seeing OBL dead.  Maybe they would consider it closure for 9/11.  Myself, I take great satisfaction in knowing the OBL spent his last 10 years wondering if a Navy Seal would be the next and final thing he would ever see.  I am sure he knew how it would end for him.  It must have been a tormented life.  That, along with a tormented eternity is vengeance enough for me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Smokers are Pigs

The weather is beginning to look more consistenly like Spring, and I have restarted my habit of walking the campus each day for the purposes of exercise and stress reduction.  My route through the campus takes me past several areas designated for the vanishing breed called cigarette smokers.  I am amazed at how disconnected they are from their surroundings. 

Smoker areas are littered with cigarette butts.  They simply throw them down instead of using the provided ash cans.  What amazes me more is how they also throw down so much other trash, be it celophane cigarette package wrappers, empty packs, gum wrappers, or anything else they have no need of.  I have come to the conclusion, in a blinding flash of the obvious, that cigarette smokers are pigs.  They foul any area where they are allowed to congregate.  They are completely oblivious to how they take advantage of the courtesies extended to them.  Even a dog knows not to poop in its own bed.

Judging from the past 10 years, I expect that society over the next 10 years will eliminate the courtesies smokers now receive.  It is getting rarer to see a smoking section at any public establishment, and almost all smoking now occurs outdoors.  Even these rare areas are being moved farther and farther from normal egress to and from buildings.  The grade schoolers of today do not know what a typewriter is, and many have never seen a wired phone in their home.  The next generation my never see smokers as it will be banned for all public places.  Good riddance.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I am not that good at taking criticism.  Even the constructive kind.  I shouldn't be that way, but I am.  When someone tells me that my brisket was too dry, you shouldn't cook bacon over a open flame, or maybe that electric smoker wasn't such a good idea, I react negatively.  I know they are trying to help me, but I guess I am thin skinned.  -T claims that I have become increasingly sensitive in my advancing maturity.

It is strange that I take criticism so poorly, because giving it is one of my strengths.  As a manager, one of my primary roles is to criticize.  We call it coaching or developmental feedback, but it is just criticism.  The good kind. I soften it by telling my folks that it would be unfair not to criticize them.  After all, how can I expect them to improve year after year if I don't tell them what to improve on?

Delivery of criticism is also a talent.  I once took a course that claimed that you can tell anybody anything if you just say it the right way.  I don't know about that, but I do my best.  One tactic is to lead off the criticism with a complement.  "You are one of the strongest contributors on my team and could become even stronger if you would show up for work occasionally."   "I really feel fortunate to have you on my team, and would like to see you become less timid and more productive."  This also works with personal relationships.   "Your brisket is wonderful.  Too bad it is a little dry."  "Cooking bacon on the grill is a great idea! It's so unfortunate it didn't work."  "You absolutely rock!  I know you will master the electric smoker very soon!"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama is Dead - Reactions

Anonymous Saudi:
"I feel that it is a lie, I don't trust the U.S. government or the media. They just want to be done with his story. It would be a sad thing if he really did die. I love him and in my eyes he is a hero and a jihadist."

"We regard this as a continuation of the American policy based on oppression and the shedding of Muslim and Arab blood. We condemn the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior. We ask God to offer him mercy with the true believers and the martyrs."

Anonymous Egyptian:
"I am not happy at the news. Osama was seeking justice. He was taking revenge on the Americans and what they did to Arabs, his death to me is martyrdom, I see him a martyr."

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf :
“American troops coming across the border and taking action in one of our towns, that is Abbottabad, is not acceptable to the people of Pakistan. It is a violation of our sovereignty,”
Frank Bryant:
"May his 88 virgins look and smell like pigs."

Monday, May 2, 2011

DS of the Week - David Gregory

I made the mistake of watching Meet the Press this week.  The show's host is David Gregory, an inferior replacement for the late Tim Russert.  I always respected Russert because I knew he was a liberal, but took great effort to be fair minded and usually was.  Gregory is also a liberal, but each week he says something stupid that prove his liberal colors.  This week he mentioned that Obama had released his birth certificate.  He asked David Axelrod if this was all about racism.  What?

The U.S. Constitution mandates that a president must be a "natural citizen" to be eligible to serve.  From Article 2, Section 1:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Obama brought the controversy on himself by not answering the questions immediately.  Since he did not, the question of his citizenship has followed him.  When Gregory asked if it was all about racism, he tipped his hand yet again.  He is a big liberal who cannot miss the chance to call conservatives racists, even though calling into question Obama's citizenship was justified.  To libs like Gregory, anyone who opposes Obama on any grounds does so because he is black.  Shame on you David Gregory.  You are the DS of the week.

Note: When he released his long form birth certificate, Obama proved that he did not meet the constitutional qualification to be president.  The Constitution clearly states "natural born citizen", which has a definition. 

Natural-born American citizens are those born of American citizen parents, within or without the American Republic, provided in the latter case that one of the parents had resided in the United States prior to the birth of the child.
Obama's father was not an American citizen, so by the strict interpretation of the Constitution, Obama is not eligible to be president.  Since the writing of the constitution, the language has been expanded to include those who did not have to do anything special to achieve citizenship,  I suspect Obama did not and he obviously bases his claim of eligibility on this.  Either way, he is president now and to remove him would do more harm to the nation than letting him finish the term.

But still, the question is a valid one and not based in racism.