Thursday, January 27, 2011


Bill Clinton was labelled the comeback kid based on his ability to morph politically in a way that increased his popularity with the voters.  His ability earned him several election victories when he was thought to be out of contention.  His example may be the blueprint that Barrack Obama is now using.  My fear is that he too might find success .

It is difficult for me to believe how fickle the electorate is.  Just 2 months ago a dramatic message was sent that we are not happy with nationalized health care, government take over of private industry and out of control spending.  But suddenly, the man responsible for all these things has an approval rating over 50% and climbing.  What changed?

Arizona changed the momentum.  Obama, to his credit, handled the ridiculous nonsense coming from his left wing constituency very well.  He appeared to be a common sense leader who was more interested in calming the storm than fanning the flames.  Good for him.

But what else changed?  Nothing at all.  In the State of the Union address, he assured us he remains the liberal big spender that believes government should continue to grow.  This is just the opposite of what America said in November 2010. 

Has the idol worship restarted?  Does the ability to look presidential and give a good speech outweigh his policies and intentions?  If it does, we will probably have 4 more years to reap the consequences.

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