Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stupid Letter of the Week

I have come to the conclusion that there are no stupid letters. There are just stupid people who write letters. Bob Hemenway is this weeks example.

Immigration debate

The governor of Arizona has signed into law a provision that may well violate the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. Law enforcement officers can stop anyone who is brown skinned or has features derived from Mexican or Spanish descent, demand papers and if not produced arrest the person.

It kind of reminds me of the black guy, who, when asked why he was stopped, answered, "I was stopped for a DWB. Driving while black." What about the Indians who have been in Arizona long before the white man came? Do they get stopped, questioned, delayed and then sent on their way or, perhaps, detained?

Sen. John McCain has said he respects America’s immigration policy and it must include the implementation of temporary worker programs that reflect the labor needs of Arizona. He’s in a tough primary race with a conservative for his Senate seat. He has moved to the right and now says he supports the governor’s new law. You can’t have it both ways, John.

This may come to rest in front of the highest court in our land. Hold on folks. As Betty Davis said, "This is going to be a bumpy ride!"

Bob Hemenway
Kansas City

Bob opines when he obviously hasn't read the law. First, Arizona law enforcement cannot stop anyone based on race.

Another interesting fact (not that Bob would desire to know the facts) is that the Supreme Court has decided that "Stop and Identify" statutes enacted in 25 States, including Arizona (2006) are legal. Stop and Identify statutes are based on "reasonable suspicion" as is the Arizona bill. They apply to EVERYONE including white male citizens.

Bob's race argument just doesn't work. There is a better case to be made that Bob is the racist. He is the one who is willing to give races in the country illegally preference over those her legally.
Funny how 4th amendment violations are only mentioned when illegals are concerned.

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