Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elena Kagan

It is no surprise that radical leftist Barrack Obama has nominated a radical leftist to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by John Stevens. This is what presidents do. It is their right and their legacy. I would expect nothing less of a left wing liberal than to nominate someone who believed like they do. He even nominated someone who has little experience, just like he did when elected president.

Elections have consequence. The only lasting legacy of a president is who they place on the Supreme Court. Kagan is a young woman by Supreme Court Justice standards. She could continue the left tilt for 3-4 decades. But then again, Obama is simply replacing a leftist liberal with another. The real damage to this nation would be if a conservative judge is replaced by Obama. That would skew what balance there is on the court for years.

Expect a media blitz informing us of how mainstream and moderate Elena is. Not true. She has no judicial experience so there is very little fact to understand how she may rule in the future. But what is known supports the idea that she is very left of center in a country that is center-right. Here is what we know:
  • She is pro-choice
  • She has never been a judge
  • She opposes "Don't ask, don't tell" and would prefer that gays serve openly in the military
  • She banned official military recruiting on the Harvard Law School campus.
  • She argued at the Supreme Court to find the Solomon Amendment unconstitutional and lost 8-0 (the Solomon Amendment cuts off government funding to schools that ban recruiting)
  • She and other law deans signed a letter objecting to aspects of an amendment that limited court challenges by Guantanamo prisoners. That law later passed the Senate by a vote of 84-14.
  • She once wrote “Americans are more likely to speak of a golden past than of a golden future, of capitalism’s glories than of socialism’s greatness,"
  • She hoped that the future would “be marked by American disillusionment with conservative programs and solutions, and that a new, revitalized, perhaps more leftist left will once again come to the fore.”


All other Obama mistakes will be corrected within the next 5 years. This one will live on much longer. When will the American voter realize that elections have consequence?

1 comment:

  1. If she were to move any more to the Left, she'd eventually make a full circle. Guess it's like an old saying that your liberal when your young and when you get some time and experience behind you then you find you're much more of a conservative.
