Monday, May 10, 2010

Amnesty for ILLEGAL Aliens is UNFAIR and RACIST!

Over the past 10 years that I have managed people, I have had 10-15 aliens on my staff. I sponsored one for citizenship. She became a citizen last year after a seven year effort. Currently I have 7 alien employees. All are legally in the United States on work visas.

Having alien employees on your staff is a serious commitment by the company and manager to the employee. It entails significant expense for immigration lawyers, and a lot of human resource paperwork. It would be far easier (but illegal) for the manager to decline hiring legal aliens to their workforce.

It is also a hardship for the legal aliens. To retain a green card, they cannot switch jobs or titles within the same position without restarting their clock. The red tape is massive and a real inconvenience for management, the company and the alien. But all of the effort does provide the immigrant with the promise of America.

Now consider the amnesty plans that have surfaced. Many more will be unveiled over the next few months. Most, if not all provide legal residency to the ILLEGAL alien after meeting certain requirements. All give preference to those who ether entered the country ILLEGALLY or let their legal status lapse. All favor the ILLEGAL criminal over the legal alien.

There are an estimated 20 million ILLEGAL aliens in the country today. Most are from our neighboring country Mexico. Providing any shortcut to residency or citizenship over those who follow the existing immigration law would favor one race over another. When the libs start calling those who favor enforcement of immigration laws racist, remember who is the real racist.

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