Friday, December 4, 2009

Death of a Religion

We are witnessing the sheer collapse of a young religion. You may have picked up on a subtle shift in their creed. For years, their religious leaders have warned us about man made global warming. The inconvenient truth is that our earth has been cooling over the past 10 years, so the creed was recently changed to "climate change". I guess now they can point to any weather event and claim it to be positive proof of climate change.

As those who perpetuate the global warming or climate change myth are finding, Abe Lincoln was right. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time. Their lies are now seeing the light of day, and some people are paying attention. As it turns out, data manipulation was a key aspect supporting the myth - if the facts don't support your theory, change the facts. The basis data used to produce the infamous "hockey stick" increase in predicted global temperatures was discarded. That conveniently made validation of the hockey stick conclusion impossible. What remains is so-called "value added" data. Remembering the data is simply numbers - temperature readings taken in many locations over a long duration - how can you add value? You cannot. All you can do is manipulate the data to show what you want it to show.

Other evidence is now surfacing that indicates the leading global warming researchers blatantly quashed all dissent. The scientific "peer review" of global warming conclusions was also tainted a all peers were part of the same cabal. There was never a debate on whether the global warming science was accurate. Instead, temperature data was manipulated to produce the desired outcome, and anyone who challenged the conclusions were marginalized. Regardless, the supporters of the myth are now exposed in a manner even the mainstream media cannot ignore. Al Gore has been discredited. It was only a matter of time before their house of cards completely collapse.

Remember the basis of the man made global warming belief is that man burns fuels and produces CO2. CO2 is speculated to be a greenhouse gas that traps heat from the sun and warms the earth. Many scientists do not believe that CO2 is even a greenhouse gas, yet there is no debate on this basic pillar of the global warming theory. The hockey stick graph was used to instill fear that mankind was on the edge of a climate disaster that would radically change our planet for the worse.

There was one primary problem with their theory that if known would completely discredit the movement from a scientific perspective. CO2 levels in our atmosphere cannot be linked to temperature changes. Periods with the highest concentrations of CO2 are some of the cooler periods recorded. The converse is also true. That is why the scientists made such great effort to deceive their peers and the public by manipulating the data.

There are no facts to suggest the oceans are rising due to polar ice cap melt off. Yet, Susan Sarandon and Noah Wyle continue to pump the mindless for contributions to save the polar bear from man made environmental terrorism. Just commit to $18.95 per month, and they will send you picture of your foster polar bear, the one you personally saved from climate change. What rubbish!

So why would so many professionals bother to deceive? Follow the money. The scientists have a vested interest in promoting climate change because it helps them secure more funding for research. But there are also larger players involved. By far, the world's largest business is that of energy production. Today, most of the world's energy is produced using oil or coal. Both of these sources have been targeted by the global warmers as a root cause for increased CO2 levels. If only a small fraction of the earth's energy production is redirected to "greener" technologies, those that own or invest in related companies will received vast windfall.

Al Gore owns or invests his formidable wealth is such companies. He would become the world's next billionaire if greener energy technologies become mainstream. Hence his desire to perpetuate the myth. Our federal government also stands to increase revenues by fostering the myth. Cap and Trade would allow the government to impose a hidden tax on all energy users by selling carbon credits to industry. These businesses will then pass that cost on to every consumer. I suspect that President Obama is counting on this increase revenue to finance his multi-trillion dollar spending spree.

There are a few key items that we should keep an eye on during the coming months. Will the proponents of the man made global warming myth make another attempt to rekindle the conspiracy? Billions, if not trillions of dollars are at stake. The initial request in Congress to reopen climate change debate was rebuffed. Senator Barbara Boxer even went so far as to say she wants to investigate the theft of emails, but not the fraud exposed by the email content. How far will she go to protect this hoax?

Will the Cap and Trade bill now in Congress every make it to the floor for debate? At this point I cannot imagine our spineless representatives seriously contemplating such a costly bill based on fraudulent data, but I would not rule it out. Will the President participate in the United Nations Climate Change treaty scheduled to be held in Copenhagen later this month? Will he sign America up for massive and costly emission cuts in light of the newly proven fraud? Will he agree to a plan that will carbon-tax the global economy back to the dark ages?

Sadly, I think the answer to each of these questions is yes. Why am I pessimistic? Because the entire PC green movement is based on faith, not fact. It will be difficult to get the truth to them. In the end, truth will win. But what will be the cost?

1 comment:

  1. Another very well written and on point pronouncement.
