Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Deniers of Climategate

I just watch Senator Markey's (pronounced malarkey) defense of man made global warming on FOX News Sunday. It appears the deniers of climategate will use as a defense the voluminous supporting information from other sources as proof the earth is warming. I guess they feel that enough people will support their cause if they believe there is other scientific information to support the myth of man made global warming.

Good enough. At least they have shown their cards. The defense is so easily overcome. First, the specific data referenced in the Climategate emails was foundational to their cause. It was not a single finding that led to multiple additional findings. Instead, it was the basis that was used by other researchers as they conducted their own studies - which surprisingly enough, also found that mankind was causing potentially catastrophic warming of the planet. When you disprove the foundational keystone of a theory, the entire theory collapses. To say that we have other evidence is just smoke and mirrors.

We really should not be surprised that multiple researchers came to the same conclusion. It is a typical behavior I have seen many times in the business environment. The business analogy goes like this. A CEO is briefed on a new product and gets excited. He commissions his team to initiate project A to build or sell the new product. Business case investigation begins as each department identifies how they can bring shareholder value by implementing project A. Any fact not helpful to proving in project A is ignored. In the end, a compelling volume of "facts" are presented to the CEO - most of which are false, while the rest are exaggerated.

Project A is approved to proceed. At some point in the project life cycle, somebody identifies an issue with how Project A was presented and approved. Is project A stopped? No, instead, other so called facts that led to the approval of project A are updated (manipulated) to salvage the project and continue with implementation. In the end the truth comes out when Project A does not provide the expected level of success. The project is written off as sunk cost.

The same thing is now happening within the global warming research community. The CEO (United Nations) commissioned a study that was intended to prove how man is warming the planet. Dissenting views and facts were squelched. Data that did not lead to the desired outcome was ignored or manipulated. In the end (2007) a report several inches thick was presented back to the United Nations. Not surprisingly it concluded that man made global warming was true.

Now we find that in the case of man made global warming, one foundational finding was manipulated. True to the business analogy, supporters are turning to other "facts" to make their case. With evidence of outright fraud, are we really supposed to believe the rest of the findings are valid? I won't. I believe that most won't unless global warming is a tenant of their faith within the religion of political correctness.

My belief is that over the next few months, additional research findings contained in the 2007 report to the United Nations will also be found to lack the scientific rigor expected of such a study. One by one they will fall apart as independent investigations are conducted. In the end, man made global warming will be uncovered for the hoax it is, and people will go to jail.

Unfortunately, I doubt if the primary hoaxster, Al Gore, is one of those.


  1. No, our buddy Al Gore will be sitting sweet with millions in hand and musing about how the little people are misled so, so easily.

  2. It's amazing that the worlds top democracies are in on Copenhagen, yet none of them has put any of these issues to a vote with their citizens!!

    Well, Australia did only to get roundly defeated!!

    The people don't support this crap! So the politicians and New World Order types have to find devious means to get this passed and implemented.

    So even now the average people are against this - what about when they learn the FULL SET OF FACTS about what implementing anti-Global Warming legislation/regulation will do?

    1) Lawsuits galore against America and the west, filed by and on behalf of third world countries. The lawsuits are already filed and piling up in anticipation.

    2) Carbon taxes which will hit the poor disproportionately (as they have less disposable income than the middle class, who can probably, sort of, afford 10%+ cost increase in everything they buy)

    3) EPA meddling in EVERYTHING, now that CO2 (i.e. plant food, what we exhale) has been named a greenhouse gas - something not even in Kyoto!!

    4) Limitations on the number of children we can have - but isn't that one of the most basic of human rights? Reproductive rights? Trampling on this means the end of the rest of our freedoms in the name of 'Saving the planet' - we will have become a totalitarian society. Why did Obama keep all those reviled Bush terrorism laws? Because he wants the power they give him - thats why.

    5) The end of science as we know it. From here on it its all political. If they get away with this - and god willing, we will NOT let them - you can forget about real science ever making a comeback. The lesson will be learned that science can be suborned to politics - and very perverse politics at that!

    Too much more to list in a comment.. Just glad that there are others out there, citizens of this world, who care enough to make their own blogs, to stand up and make their voices heard.

    So thank you! And keep it up!!

    (Oh and yes, please let there be jail time for all these fraudsters! Did you know that Stephen Schneider, one of the many prominent AGW scientists whose emails are a part of climate gate actually has a peer reviewed study ON HIS STANFORD WEBSITE that says:

    The Maldives are not sinking, that water levels around the Maldives is DROPPING!! And that the Maldives survived with human populations during sea level rises of much greater than projected (by faulty computer models)

    Here is the link:

    So to pretend he doesn't know about this, to pretend that it doesn't exist is laughable. He KNOWS! He just doesn't admit it. Also, his wife is in the Climate policy biz and they both have written many books on the subject of Global Warming (name changed to Climate Change just in case it gets cooler, so they can still stay in power). Talk about vested interests....

  3. The latest and greatest spin....

    in one of the CRU emails, the "scientists" are caught discussing how to hide the "40's blip"...seems the earth warmed up quite nicely in that era....and to aid and abet this big fat lie, some other "scientist" decided the snow melted on a mountain in the 40's due to the sun.

    Get that?

    The earth wasn't warm, just a mountain top denied it's shield from the big bad sun.

    These people should be assessed that fart tax you blogged about.

    And happily, some more technerds are taking a closer look at the code these clowns at CRU used (fortran and IDL). I'm wondering what the technical definition of "fudge factor" is, I'm sure they will be kind enough to provide it just like they were kind enough to share with the world the technical definition of "trick".
