Thursday, November 12, 2009

Size Matters

Obama apologists are very quick to use George Bush and the Republican's behavior when apologizing for their guy. I hear it every time a conservative points out the problem with the country's current deficit spending. The Obama support will say "Where were you when George Bush doubled the deficit"? Another approach they will use is "we could afford it if we were not paying for George Bush's wars".

Both only point out the average Obama supporters ignorance of the facts. Yes, George Bush did increase the deficit, and yes he did involve us in 2 wars. But the facts are these:

  • While Bush doubled the deficit over his 8 years, Obama has tripled Bush deficits during his first year. The fact is Bush/Republicans acted badly, Obama is six time worse. And Obama can't be held blameless on Bush's TARP 1 since he was an avid supporter. I suspect he sends regular thanks you notes to Bush for the $750b left for Obama to spend.
  • The total cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is just under $1 trillion dollars. It has taken the America military 9 years to spend that total, which is still less than Obama's year #1 deficit. Obama spent more that $1 trillion during his first 100 days in office.
I will not apologize for George Bush's or the Republican's spending pattern. I want our government to spend only what they take in. Rebublicans and Democrats seem unable to grasp the concept. But when you compare the amount of deficit spending by both parties, it is not even close. Obama and the democrats deficit spend far faster than any past group of politicians. And when you are talking about deficits, size does matter.

1 comment:

  1. "I want our government to spend only what they take in." Wow that sounds like someone working along side a BUDGET. I think it's funny that our govt constantly uses words like BUDGET, but obviously do not take what they allotted into account whatsoever. The truth is, they spend what they want to spend, and figure they'll just print $ later to make up for it or sell the debt to other countries (yeah that makes me feel safe). I think our Govt needs to take a Dave Ramsey course, or a Crown Financial. :)
