Monday, November 9, 2009

A Cartoon Worth 1,000 Words

The title is true if you can find the political cartoon. Recently, I saw a political cartoon that would save me from typing a thousand words. The recent Obama administration attacks on FOX news had me thinking of how I might reduce my thoughts to a blog. Then, I saw it in the Kansas City Star. I believe it was on Saturday, 10/31. In the Opinion section, a political cartoon summed up my thoughts into a single drawing.

Barrack was in bed smoking a cigarette. In bed with him were 4 ugly women named CBS, NBC, ABC and MSNBC. The caption said (paraphrased) " He is mad because he can't get a FOX in bed with him". Perfect. Obama takes on FOX news when he controls every other network's news department. I would love to link it in here, but after several minutes searching the KC Star web site and Google, I can't find it. Let me know if you have seen it, and if you find it on the iInternet, a link would be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I searched and searched and couldn't find it either. Would like to have seen that comic.
