Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Seperation of Church and State

Localities are sued for displaying the Ten Commandments, Christmas trees become Holiday trees, prayer is banned from public schools, and recently a congress woman omitted the words "under God" when leading Congress in the Pledge of Allegiance.  The omission was apparently on purpose.  Why do liberals go to such lengths to remove any mention of religion?  Is it becasue of that pesky seperation of church and state language in the U.S. Consistution? 

I don't think so. While we are led to believe that our Constituion restricts mixing religion with the public business, it does not.  In fact, there is no mention of a seperation in the document.  The language of the Constituion is extremely clear.  So clear it really doesn't need a Supreme Court to interpret for we, the great unwashed. 

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."

That is all it says.  So in modern English, I interpret this to mean that our elected doofus' in CONGRESS cannot pass a law establishing a national religion, or prohibit the free exercise of an individual's religion.  It says nothing about how local govenments should act, or that any mention of a religious term or person cannot be uttered..  I realize there are many other letters and writings of our founding fathers that hint at a "wall of seperation", but the text above is lifted directly from the consititution.  Any other ideas that conflict should be disregarded.

Now Christine O'Donnell is being ridiculed for stating the obvious.  Don't these liberals realize how ridiculous they seem with their complex meandering auguments on how the Constitution says what is obvoiusly does not say? 

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