I had to include a picture of the oil spill (below). Looks pretty bad, right? Worse than the press is telling you, correct? Actually, this picture is of our table top at the place we ate lunch. I thought it looked suspiciously like a few of the oil spill pictures we have seen coming from Louisiana.
This last picture is from the restaurant we ate lunch at. Myrtle Beach is a beautiful place. Their beaches are not as picturesque as Destin's, but close. 

We finished the day with 18 holes of golf. I shot my age twice; 50 on the front and 54 on the back nine. Dinner was at a favorite place called The Grapevine. We continued our tradition of ending the vacation sitting on the front porch of the Creamery having a dish of ice cream and watching the sun set. We drive home Saturday. Should be there by Sunday morning.
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