Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dumber than a Dog

You don't need to drive too far east or south of Kansas City to find an animal far dumber than any type of dog (even a Poodle). Occasionally you will see a dead dog on the side of the road. I have even witnessed many that will even chase cars. Darwin's law of natural selection usually removes these animals from the living. But I have found that another mammal is consistently more stupid than a dog. You will find Armadillo carcasses littering the highways in great number. The further south you go, the more carcases you see.

I believe what little intelligence the Armadillo has is used to find the closest highway and navigate their way into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Before automobiles, there must have been billions of Armadillos in North America. They had no natural predators until Henry Ford began mass producing the automobile. I am sure their numbers are low enough now to place them on the endangered species list.

You don't see treehuggers out with signs and bumper stickers saying "Save the Armadillo". Why? Probably because not only are they stupid animals, they are very ugly. Every Armadillo looks to have fallen out of an ugly tree .... and hit every branch.
So I have self corrected. The dog is not the most stupid mammal. The Armadillo is. Dogs come in second.

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