Saturday, September 26, 2009

Scary Stuff

If you desired to become the dictator of a banana republic, how would you do it? History tells us that if you gain control of the military, the economy, the press, the election process and the youth, you would be well on your way to establishing a dictatorship that could not be reversed. And would probably gain control without a shot being fired. Let's look at the state of America.

The military - Constitutionally, this is given to the President who holds the title of Commander in Chief. For President Obama, that is not enough. He has said "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." This should send chills down every citizen's spine. The M&M (Mainstream Media) press should be all over that statement asking how he intends to use that civilian national security force. Scenes of the jack-booted Gestapo come to mind.

The economy - Obama has already taken control of much of the US economy. The government now owns significant portions of banking, auto manufacturing, home mortgages, insurance and other industries. If a government health care option is added to that list, Obama will have gained control of over half the US economy.

The press - Obama has had the M&M's in his pocket since he started campaigning for the presidency. Only talk radio and the Internet remain as independent media where the message is not controlled.
  • Obama would like to see the Fairness Doctrine implemented. That law would effectively silence talk radio by requiring every station to provide equal time. Since conservative talk dominates talk radio (because it is commercially successful) owners of radio stations will stop carrying popular talk shows so they will not need to monitor content and track time. If you think the Fairness Doctrine is just trying to level the playing field, then why does it not cover TV, a media dominated by the liberals and M&M's?

  • Democrats in Congress have drafted a bill behind closed doors that would give Obama control of the Internet during times of national emergency. The current version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license. The bill would effectively give the president the authority and the means to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet. Bear in mind that the Internet is made up of private-sector computers.
Obama already controls the mainstream press and has initiatives in place to gain control over what he now does not. This is another chilling fact that he has never been asked to explain. Oh,but wait. The askers (M&M's) are already under his control.

The election process - For the first time in history, the White House will oversee the 2010 Census. So what is the problem? Census results determine the number of representatives that each state will be entitled to send to the U. S. Congress and thus could affect the political balance of power. Census numbers determine how much federal aid flows to each state. Control also enables opportunity to skew the results in such a way as to guarantee a perpetual Democratic administration and Congress. Yet, the switch of control from the Commerce department to the White House received barely a mention by the M&M's.

The youth - This may be the hardest area to control, but Obama seems to be making progress. The first attempt to gain the heart and souls of our youth was observed during the elections. Children's books were published and sold in most book stores. These books, intended for the 3-7 age group portrayed Obama as community organizer that righted the wrongs done to underprivileged, and fulfilled the (messianic) Martin Luther King dream. There were also video and audio clips that circulated on YouTube of schools singing the praises of Obama in a near worshipful manner.

There is a new video circulating. Watch it and try not to think of the Hitler Youth.

In case you missed the words, here they are.

Song 1: (To the tune of Jesus Loves the Little Children)

Mm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand

To make this country strong again

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today

Equal work means equal pay

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand

To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
Yes!Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama

Song 2:

Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!

For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"
Hooray, Mr. President!

You're number one!

The first black American to lead this great nation!
Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans

To make this country's economy number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!

And we stand for all Americans under the great

Red, White, and Blue!
So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick

So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----
Hip, hip hooray!

Hip, hip hooray!

Hip, hip hooray!

Scared yet? I see Obama as 5 for 5 in getting what he needs to become dictator. Does anyone really believe that all 5 requirements coming together at the same point in time is simply a coincidence? Here is a 6th item for free. The 22nd amendment to the Constitution restricts the the number of terms a president can serve. In January of this year, Rep. Jose Serrano, a democrat from New York, introduced a proposed constitutional amendment to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which limits presidents to two terms. is rallying support for the measure and soliciting contributions for the campaign. "We are wise enough to choose our own leader and to decide how long that leader will serve," the website states, arguing that nothing in the original Constitution barred any president from seeking a third or fourth term.

The United States under a dictatorship is simply unthinkable by all citizens. But the foundation is now in place that would allow a transition from Democracy to dictatorship without a shot being fired. If this does not scare you, you are not paying attention.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure I'm going to be sleeping well tonight after reading this. / Lloyd
