Monday, September 21, 2009

Jimmy Carter Says Joe Wilson is a Racist!

Joe Wilson exclaims "You lie!" when President Obama said that health care would not be extended to illegal aliens. Former President Jimmy Carter states that Representative Wilson's comment was based on racism. How can he tell? Let's look at what we know.

Joe is a representative from South Carolina, a state that does have a racist past. Is that Carter's evidence? Probably not, since Carter is from Georgia. Not much difference between to the two states. So let's look at the words he used - You Lie.

Lie. Wilson called Obama a liar. Is that racist? No. Both whites and blacks lie. There is no evidence that either race lies more or less than the other.

You. Wilson directed the criticism at Obama, a black man. That must be the basis for Carter's statement. In Carter's mind, you cannot criticize a black person or you are a racist. You wonder if Carter believes you can you call a black man a liar if he actually lies? Is that racist too?

Here is what Obama said: “There are those who also claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false — the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.”

Just because he says it doesn't make it true. There has been plenty of independent analysis to indicate the House health bill could result in coverage being extended to illegal immigrants.

The bill will mandate that everyone buy insurance, including illegals. But the non-partisan Congressional Research Service warns there’s no verification mechanism. An amendment by GOP Rep. Dean Heller of Nevada, to use electronic immigration records to verify eligibility for subsidies, was shot down by Democrats.

In England, their nationalized system treats nearly a million illegal immigrants a year because eligibility verification at the point of service is impossible and unaccounted for in their system. The English plan has stopped trying because illegals have won the right to be treated at taxpayer expense as a basic human right. Sound familiar?

Bush was called a liar when no WMD were found in Iraq, ever though countless foreign and domestic experts and politians also said the same. If he was a liar, is Obama for shamelessly making claims that cannot be supported by fact?

When you look at the facts, Obama lied, there is no reason to believe Wilson's comments were racially based, and Carter may be ready for the nursing home.

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