Thursday, October 11, 2012

Debate #2

Tonight is the first and only vice-presidential debate.  After Obama's catatonia last week, the democrats have more to lose tonight, than win.  Their expectations of Joe Biden are huge.  They hope his performance will change the dramatic move in recent polls that now show Romney ahead nationally, and in many swing states.  Romney's lead may be even larger due to the democratic over-sampling that continues and will up until the last couple weeks of the campaign.

Joe might be a bulldog and will definitely be more aggressive than Obama was, but does he have a chance?  Not really.  The reason is the Obama-Biden ticket has this huge problem they did not have in 2008. They have a record they really can't run on.  Sure, Biden will bloviate on how the economy is turning based on an unemployment rate that has dropped below 8% for the first time during Obama's administration.  But that will be in Ryan's wheelhouse.  Ryan is at his best when making the complex simple.  I am positive he will destroy the unemployment report that nobody really believes with a couple of sentences.

And then there is always Joe's propensity to say something stupid, like when he asked the paralyzed veteran to stand up and take a bow.  Or when he characterized the campaign as being about a three letter word, J - O - B - S.  Or when he said the middle class has been buried the past 4 years.  Biden isn't smart enough to outwit Ryan.  Ryan may not win as convincingly as Romney did, but a trouncing of that magnitude has never happened before and may never again.  But in the end, Ryan will be perceived as the winner based on the poor record of his opponent.  Biden is taking a knife to a gunfight.  He doesn't have the weapons needed to win.

1 comment:

  1. If Biden did have a gun tonight, he'd be even more likely to shoot himself in the foot.
