Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Delights

A few days ago I blogged about how I enjoy living in a small town.  Last weekend, I realized another reason why.  You see, we are surrounded by farm land.  A biproduct of this is that truck farms are prevalent.  Within 10 minutes of the house, we can buy fresh produce from several different farmers for excellent prices.

Home grown tomatoes are at their peak now.  There is nothing better than a fresh sliced tomato on a hamburger or other sandwich.  I also like them plain with a meal.  Terri and SILL regularly serve them in Italian dressing with Pesto and Parmesan cheese, another treat.

Multiply this pleasure by 4 when you expand the truck farm purchase to cantaloupe, potatoes, watermelon and peaches.  For some reason, this year has been great for farm quality fruits and vegetables.  When we lived in Shawnee, Terri, her parents and I had a large garden.  We would tend the soil, water, and do what we could to repel the squirrels and rabbits.  Occasionally we harvested well but more often than not we would get a few worm eaten tomatoes, beans and potatoes.

This is so much easier and better.


  1. I haven't had a single tomato this summer. That being said, this blog is your worst ever.

  2. Not everything good is wrapped in bacon.

  3. Sorry, you missed my sarcasm. I LOVE tomatoes. Only fresh ones, which you can only get a few weeks/months of the year. Haven't had one yet this year, but am waiting to find them

  4. I don't think Frank missed your sarcasm at all, but maybe the other way around. I think he knows how you like your Filets :)
