Monday, August 9, 2010

Stupid Letter of the Week

As I have stated before, there really isn't such a thing as a stupid letter.  There are, however, stupid people who write letters. 

Maria Baldwin from Kansas City really summarizes the majority position of Obama supporters and democratic liberals.  Their ideology is so far removed from reality that I cannot address it in a few short sentences, so look for a blog later this week that illustrates how stupid Maria's letter really is.

'Trickle down’ economics failures

I am sorry that Judi Tremaine (7/22, Letters) might not always get the correct information listening to some talk radio economist. I am sure he did not tell you that the so-called “trickle down economics” did not do much for the great majority of the American people.

Yes we did get way more millionaires, and Ronald Reagan was a much better president than George W. Bush. Bush also cut taxes for the top 20 percent of the population. It did not trickle down, and it brought our country to the brink of a total economic disaster because of greed.

The wealthy class also took many jobs overseas, as the bottom line is important.

I agree that small businesses should get tax breaks, as they are the people who employ people, not the super rich.

I think it is shameful that 40 million children are getting food stamps, and many more are eligible for free lunches. Many Americans are still dying every day because of no health insurance.

One thing is for sure: If you lived in one of the “social democratic” countries such as those in Europe, the children would not suffer.

Maria Baldwin
Kansas City

I am thinking Maria might be happier in one of those social democratic countries in Europe.

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