Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How Words are Invented

I have always been curious about how words are born.  For instance, when and how did a person decide to call a chair a chair in the English language?  Or more interesting, what is the origin of galashes, skullduggery or carbuncle?  I don't think they simply leapt from someone's tongue.

Last weekend, my bride provided a glimpse of how a word is born.  She was recovering from the effects of a bad reuben sandwich.  We were sitting in the sun room and I was gently rubbing her back.  Quite unexpectedly, she shrieked "Deeung!"  After asking what her problem was, she told me that I had rubbed a spot that shot pain down her back.  Little did she know that she had invented a new word, deeung.

I am sure deeung is a new word, since Webster was not aware of its existence.  So I will help them:

Main Entry: Deeung (dee' yung)
Function: interjection
Etymology: originated in Basehor, Kansas USA by Terri Bryant
Date: 2010
  • Used to express sudden pain or displeasure.
Let's see if it catches on.

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