Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mind-numbed Robot

I find it maddening, interesting and comical to listen to liberals berate conservatives who voice their opinion.  Before long, the liberal will say the conservative is simply repeating what a conservative talk show host has told them.  I think that liberals hate talk radio.  If you look at the most popular, most listened to shows on radio, they are all conservative.  Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Micheal Savage are the big three, but there are many others.  Interestingly enough, there are very few liberal talk shows on radio, and none that can compare audience size to the conservative top three. 

Air America was a liberal radio network created solely to give the liberals a competitive platform to make their case.  The network failed miserably and after a 6 year run, is no longer in existence.  So how did the vast right-wing conspiracy kill Air America?  They did it by supporting the shows they found most logical, accurate and entertaining.  The death of Air America was caused by the laws of supply and demand- another concept hated by liberals.  Consumers flock to what interests them, creating demand.  They listened to conservative radio in far higher numbers than liberal radio, so the supply of conservative talk shows grew to meet the demand.  As a result, sponsors did what they must - they sponsored the radio programs with the most listeners.  To do anything else would be stupid when you are trying to sell your product.  Liberal talk radio shrank to meet the reduced demand.  Eventually there was not enough financial sponsorship for Air America and it collapsed.

Personally, I listen to very little talk radio.  I work for a living, so never get the chance to listen to Rush.  I did listen to him 20-25 years ago when he first began his national show.  I always thought he had a good way of articulating the conservative opinion, and could be hysterical when he made points through absurdity, such as his caller abortion.  Any call he did not like was aborted by his choice.  After hanging up he would ask if the call ever really existed?  Through his absurdity, he made strong points against abortion.  It is this comedic absurdity that gives detractors ammunition to attack him, but anyone who listens long enough can tell when Rush is serious and when he isn't.

I do get to listen to 5-10 minutes of Sean Hannity most days as I begin the drive home.  I believe that Sean is far different than Rush.  He is well prepared to recite his conservative principals or liberal faults on a moment's notice as if from notes or memory.  I don't get the impression that he is a deep conservative thinker who can formulate opinion and articulate it effectively in real time.  I get some good information from Hannity, but don't believe he forms any of my opinions.

Of the big 3, Micheal Savage is my least favorite.  Savage is a flamethrowing name caller who can be rude to public officials or his own fans.  I believe he is right on many points, namely that a country is best defined as language, borders and culture which must be protected.  His approach however is too derogatory for me, and probably repels more people from conservatism than it attracts.

So do I consider myself a mind-numbed robot?  No, not really.  I will admit that conservative talk radio has influenced certain opinions, but most often only provides background for the postions I already hold.


  1. Really couldn't agree more with your comments. Especially as it relates to Michael Savage. Though I agree with many of his points, I too cannot accommodate his approach to handling callers and getting his message across. I feel he often does more damage to the conservative view and helps in in regards to educating others. Of course, I'm sure he see it as entertainment.

  2. I'm so disappointed you left out my boyfriend, Glenn Beck.

