Thursday, December 22, 2011

Payroll Tax Holiday

The continued Keystone Cops routine playing in the halls of congress took a bizarre turn this week when the Senate got off their lazy butts and passed an idiotic 2 month payroll tax cut extension.  Assuming the senators understand that a 2 month extension enactment is burdensome to both large and small businesses everywhere and that it will not have a significant impact in improving the economy, one can only conclude they wanted to kick the can down the road two months and fight about it later.

Clown #1 (John Boehner) mistakenly believed the house republicans would take the easy road too and pass the 2 month extension.  Much to clown #1's surprise, the house did not go along and instead passed a 1 year extension.  Under normal rules the two bills would be sent to a house and senate conference committee to resolve differences and resubmit a single modified bill to both houses.  That is when clown #2 (Harry Reid), who had already adjourned the senate, refused to participate.

So now, clown #1 is emphatically broadcasting that his guys are still in Washington and ready to negotiate, while clown #2 is refusing and blaming the impending payroll tax hike on the house.  Obama has sided with clown #2 by calling for the house to come back in session and pass the 2 month extension.  If you have been following this circus, you might be wondering what Frank thinks.  Get ready for a surprise.

My take is this.  Everything is fine just the way it is now.  Let the rate return to 6% on January 1st.  Why?  Because if you have a popular program like Social Security that is not fully funded (meaning that Chinese loans will make up the difference in 2012), you do not intentionally cut funding (or in this case, continue to extend a tax break).  At a tax rate of 6%, Social Security continues to remain solvent for a few more years.  At 4% it is immediately insolvent.

The Washington lunacy followed closely by a radical left media are trying (somewhat successfully)  to put all the blame on the republican house.  They will trot out case after case of sob stories, people who will claim they cannot survive without that extra 2% in their paycheck.  All the pain a suffering caused by the republicans who wouldn't agree to a flawed and idiotic 2 month extension, but instead agreed on a 1 year extension.  They will be flogged mercilessly, all in the mainstream media's attempt to put humpty dumpty (Obama) back together again in time for the 2012 elections.

Why aren't they asking why Obama cut funding to Social Security in the first place when he initially instituted the payroll tax cut?  While they are at it, why not ask why this progressive socialist president cut Medicare funding as part of his grandiose Obamacare take over of the American health care system?  Why would he support the continued under funding of Social Security? Obama is the only president in history to cut both Social Security and Medicare funding - all in the first 2 years of his first term!  Isn't that a big deal?  Republicans have attempted to reform both entitlements.  Democrats have simply cut funding to both.  Who does the mainstream media characterize as enemies of Social Security and Medicare?

If these facts were reported accurately, the Occupy movement might have to battle senior citizens for park space in which to demonstrate.

UPDATE: Just 10 minutes after posting this I read that clown #1 blinked.  How come I never get what I want?

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