Thursday, August 2, 2012

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

It has been 1,656 days since Barack Obama took office.  To a conservative each of those days has deepened the depression over how he has transformed the country toward socialism.  Much has changed.  The national debt has risen over 5 trillion dollars.  Forward looking budgets continue to pile on the debt, as huge expenditures, such as TARP and the two stimulus bills are simply added to the following year spending plan.  Even with this excessive spending, the economy is not growing at a healthy rate.  We are stuck in a recession and unemployment has stayed above 8%.  It hasn't been this bad since the dark days of Jimmy Carter.

But I am optimistic.  Not over the prospects of a second Obama term.  That would be devastating.  I am optimistic because over the past few days I have become convinced that Obama will be defeated and the Senate returned to Republican control.  Well, almost convinced.  If the election was held today, I am positive of the outcome.  Unfortunately the election is 96 days away on November 6th.  That is plenty of time for Romney, the mainstream media or world events to change the outcome.  But assuming the campaigns continue as they are, conservatism wins big.  Why am I so convinced? Because of the following proof points.

First, consider the Texas runoff between Ted Cruz and David Dewhurst.  Cruz was the Tea Party candidate endorsed by Sarah Palin who ran against "establishment" Republican Dewhurst.  Dewhurst had won the primary but did not get 50% of the vote, so was required to run against Cruz, the candidate who got the second most votes. Last September, Dewhurst lead Cruz 41% to 12%.  Last month, Dewhurst led 49% to 44%.  Dewhurst was backed by Governor Rick Perry and expect to win handily.  Cruz won 57% to 43%.

Second, consider almost the same story in Nebraska where Deb Fischer is a favorite to take retiring democrat Ben Nelson's seat, and in Missouri where Sarah Steelman appears ready to unseat Claire McCaskill.  The Tea Party backing is making a difference.  They may be the most influential force in the 2012 elections, meaning that fiscal and social conservatism will win.

Next consider the result of Chick-fil-a Appreciation day.  The company announced that August 1st was the largest volume day in their history.  Who made that happen?  Conservatives.  I continue to believe the overwhelming support shown was not about gay marriage, but rather support of free speech.  The media played the day as Christians bashing gays.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  It was about supporting a company leader who when asked, stated his support for traditional marriage and had thr business threatened based solely on his opinion and not actions.  The silent majority rose up to show their support for traditional values.  I believe they will again in November.

My own experience on Wednesday was that our local Chick-fil-a near the Legends was packed at 8:30 PM.  I estimate that between 50-100 cars were in the drive through lane, with another 50 - 100 people waiting in line outside the restaurant.  If conservatives will wait in line for a chicken sandwich, they will vote in November.

Proof point #4, polls indicate that Republicans are far more enthusiastic about the 2012 elections than democrats.  This means that more Republicans will vote in the election.  Strangely, most of the polling organizations are still over-sampling democrats in their polls by up to 10%.  This oversampling is leading to poll results that show the election too close to call or a slight Obama lead.  Rassmussen, the only poll to consider Republican enthusiasm, shows Romney out to a narrow lead.  Regardless, all polls have shown a trend toward Romney even though he was outspent 3 to 1 in through July.  Romney hasn't yet opened his wallet, yet he hasn't lost ground to Obama's negative campaign.  These positive trends show no signs of changing and can only be interpreted as good news for conservatives and Republicans.

Finally, I recently joined Twitter, something I swore I would never do.  But as I learned the Twitter ropes, I decided to follow the opposition, Barack Obama.  How better to monitor his campaign than to read his tweets?  I immediately noticed 3 things, the volume, the deceit and the desperation.

The Obama campaign is by far the most prolific tweeter in my follow list.  I regularly get 2-4 tweets per hour from this one source (it takes a strong stomach to read them).  The unashamed deceptive nature of his tweets match the whopper lies he is telling on the campaign stump.  I can only surmise that he knows his opponents will see the lie but that his supporters will blindly accept them.  Here are a few samples:

  • Mitt Romney’s tax plan: He pays less, you pay more.
  • President Obama on Mitt Romney’s tax plan: “He’s asking you to pay more, so that folks like him can get a big tax cut.”
  • Congress leaves for summer recess tomorrow, without having taken action to create jobs.
  • Retweet if you agree: We don’t need more tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. We need tax cuts for middle-class Americans. 
  • FACT: Romney’s plan would raise taxes on middle-class families with children by an average of $2,000 to pay for tax cuts for millionaires.
  • President Obama on what's standing in the way of progress: "It's that old top-down economics that we've been hearing about for years." 
I warned you that a strong stomach is needed.   Probably more telling is the apparent desperation in many tweets.  Here are a few:

  • President Obama on what's standing in the way of progress: "It's that old top-down economics that we've been hearing about for years."  
  • Pitch in $10 before midnight and get a Vote Obama car magnet—shipping’s on us"
  •  When will Mitt Romney come clean about his tax returns? We’re still waiting …
  • The election is in 98 days—set up your grassroots fundraising page now to get your friends involved:
  • Deadline deal: Give $10 or more before midnight, get a Vote Obama car magnet. Simple as that.
  •  Tonight is one of the most critical fundraising deadlines we’ll face. Please make a donation of $3 or more right now.
You get the message.  Obama is falling behind in fund raising and desperate to motivate his supporter to give.  So far it's not working.  The result may be an acceleration of the Romney lead once he begins spending his funds.

So we conservatives have a lot to be optimistic about.  If the campaigns continue on their current trajectories, Romney wins big, the House and Senate will be controlled by Republicans, and Obamacare will be repealed.  I can't wait to see this scenario unfold.


  1. Hope it plays out that way, and hope that those that do move to power have the strength to do what's best for the greater good and not for their own reelection.

  2. Sorry...I just missed that whole blog because I was laughing at you. Twitter? Really? So you're a twit now eh? Who would do such a thing?
